
Mercy Wellsprings is incorporated in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador and is a Registered Charity under Canadian law.  The by-laws of Mercy Wellsprings govern its organization and management.

Three groups will work together to guide the work of Mercy Wellsprings:

Members = group of six who ensure that Mercy Wellsprings carries out its mission and mandate in the spirit of the foundational statement and guiding principles – it holds reserved powers​

Board of Directors = group of eight to twelve directors who oversee the governance and operations of Mercy Wellsprings – appointed by the Members for set terms of office​

Staff = small group of employed persons who carry out the mandate of Mercy Wellsprings – possibly an Executive Director, Director of Formation, and Executive Assistant appointed by the Board

Board of Directors
Seated (L-R): Sr. Elizabeth Davis, Sr. Diane Smyth, Hon. George Furey, Ms. Meghan Gardner
Standing (L-R): Mr. Brent Meade, Mr. Jim Meaney, Ms. Ann Manning