February 13, 2011
Article contributed by Sr. Maureen O’Keefe
On Sunday afternoon, February 13, 2011 Mercy Convent Chapel was the setting for a rich experience of how God continues to grace our Mercy Congregation. Pews and Prie-Dieu were filled to capacity with Sisters, Associates and family members, gathered to welcome new Associates into the Mercy Associate Relationship. In a beautiful Prayer/Ritual led by their facilitators, Sisters Margie Taylor and Madeline Byrne, three women – Mickie Pitcher, Marilyn Stack and Geraldine (Gerri) Stapleton made their commitment as Mercy Associates

Sister Elizabeth Davis, Congregation Leader, welcomed the new Associates, received their commitments and presented them with their Associate pins and Certificates. Husbands and other family members were present to participate in the ceremony and share in the joy of their loved ones as they entered upon another significant phase in their spiritual journey.
The sentiments of all Associates present were echoed in the words of Associate, Anna Kelly in her reflection, “What Being a Mercy Associate Means to Me.” Anna spoke of their Associate meetings as “ time for prayer, sharing, showing support and concern for each other, having time to develop new friendships and of course, enjoying a story and a few laughs as they share that ‘comfortable cup of tea’ at the end of the meeting.” She noted that each Associate brings to the group their own gifts and talents that enable them to companion with the Sisters of Mercy to carry on Catherine McAuley’s charism, to bring the Mercy of God to those in need. At the same time, Associates deepen their own Baptismal commitment to live more fully the values of the Gospel.
A spirit of joy and gratitude flowed from the chapel to the Fleming Room where friendship and fun were shared over the rim of that traditional tea cup!
Thousands of thanks and praises
To His Holy Name.
C. McAuley