Archive Prayers

HECTOR Please help me pray a lot so that the politicians in opposition to the Nicolas Maduro dictatorship in Venezuela learn to truly love the people, to truly love the poorest, to free themselves from greed and excessive greed for money. and the power, SO THAT GOD AND THE VIRGIN, EFFECT, GRANT US, to have the hope, that if the political change that the majority of us desire is going to take place, and that this be a true change, a root change, a change for the better .
line and jacques Lord God, holy angels, saints, deliver us from all our addictions. Heal our wounds and close the doors to evil. Holy Spirit, may the spirit of truth come into each one of us, may Him unfold and take all the place, to reveal the truth. May everyone be blessed. Jesus Christ, be present in all our relationships. Come and help us in our finances, prosperity, trust in life and in God. Jesus we trust in you. Come in all our worries, fears, wounds, etc. Relations. Come clean our house and property.
Raj Prasad Kindly please pray for the forgiveness of all my sins and for my salvation. Many thanks.
Sayanora Placid Fernandes PLEADING with all to SERIOUSLY pray that Mr.Shubash car mechanic REPAIR our 4 wheeler WAGHNR vehicle properly. 3rd time car BATTERY is dead & Mr.Shubash NOT to take money again. Lord Jesus to PROTECT our vehicle in/out of it SPECIALLY from all evil.
Inacio and Jennifer Noronha Please pray for our blessings peace and joy let the cases fixed on Inacio and Jennifer Noronha and others be cleared let vuccs management auditors cases clear let Dylan Rifa Rita Henry Jennifer Inacio roy Camilo be blessed protected saved excellent let Inacio Noronha Dylan Noronha and Jennifer Noronha unity be blessed protected saved excellent as clarinda Noronha husband Dylan inlaw Jennifer and Inacio Noronha let clarinda Noronha be moved to her Mumbai house immediately as
Sue P Please pray for a safe and painfree delivery and a healthy child. Thank you.
Deepak Dey Please pray for the healing of Deepak's mental illness. Thank you.
Charles Opara Dear sisters Please remember me in your prayers. I lost my job 7 years ago. All my efforts to secure a new job failed. This has brought untold hardship to my family. Please pray for me for God's divine intervention in my trials.
Cullen creel Please praise for Cullen Creel.
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