Archive Prayers

Linda A prayer of thanks to the work of the Sister’s of Mercy who dedicate their lives in helping people through their spirit and kindness. I have been lucky enough to walk alongside and witness this beauty.
Anonymous Dear Lord, Please bringing to many of the sad and lonely Guests at The Gathering Place some Healing, Peace And Joy.
Teka Divine Child Jesus please bring healing to my Neice Diane who has numbness in her right Hand .
Jana I would like to ask you for your prayer, that the Lord will deeply heal all my wounds of sins with His love and for the grace of total trust, that I will never look back. Many years after conversion I ve been painfully tormented with deep guilt,very strong diabolic oppressions and false image of God very deeply rooted in my heart. I gave everything once again to Him, but the enemy has been tempting me so strongly.. I am so exhausted. May God bless you! Jana
Teka Dear Lord, Bless all the sick at McAuley Convent,especially Sister Josette and Sister Phyllis Corbet. O Holy Spirit fill them with Fortitude, strength and Courage. Help them to experience Joy in the midst of it all
Eileen Praying today in a special way for Rosa celebrating her 25th Anniversary of profession to religious life. May she be blessed for the many ways she has touched people and how God's presence has be felt in their lives through her life, mission and ministry in Peru.
Marilyn Please pray for members of my Family who are unemployed due to defamation of character.
Mary Trainer Dear God of Mercy, we give thanks for our sisters in Newfoundland who have reached out in extraordinary support to bring to birth Mercy International Association and to pass the legacy of Catherine Mc Auley to all who walk through the doors at Baggot St.
Jean Thanking God for the beauty of creation and asking mercy for the many ways we do not respect its integrity.
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