Archive Prayers

Aloysius Eneyo Thanksgiving to God for his love and Providence. Praying for the fulfilment of God's promise in my life and vocation.
Maureen O'Keefe God protect and strengthen Mike Kelly in his battle with cancer. May he experience your healing power.
Carol - ann I would like to keep in prayer my family's health and well being and I want to offer up a special prayer for my wonderful sister Linda who has so much compassion for what she does, May God bless her, I am ever so grateful for her, Amen
Carol - ann God has put it on my heart tonight, to keep in prayer the beautiful Sisters Of Mercy whom I hold in the most upright respect , they have shown me much kindness and understanding, I pray that Almighty God will watch over each and everyone of them and bless them and fill them with His graces, May they continue on doing their work here and making this world a better place to live. Amen
Carol - ann I am praying for my brother Gary who needs to change his lifestyle in order to be restored to good health and also for my dear friend Betty that God will place His healing hand on her and give her comfort at this time in her life. Amen
Carol - ann I pray that God of great mercy and compassion will instill in me a grateful heart of mercy and compassion and keep me in good health so I can serve Him and His faithful people, giving Him thanks for a grateful heart on this glorious Easter Sunday morning. Amen
Mildred Brennan For the peace of mind for Loyola Mackey and a good recovery .
Majory - For courage to understand and accept the will of God for my life, with regards to vocation. - For restoration of peace in my country - For success in my ongoing school application. - For the grace to grow deeper in love with Jesus.
Williams Omorogbe I want the grace of God to continually reflect in my life. Let the veil that the evil one has placed in my life be remove by the blood of Jesus. Every spiritual disorderliness and chaos, disgrace,disfavour,shame,disappointment be terminated in my life. I humbly want the glory of God to manifest greatly in my life from henceforth in Jesus mighty name. Amen
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