Archive Prayers

ALWIN MATHAI To get a job for me... To get full health for me...
Charlie Prasad Dear Holy Sisters, Please pray for me that I am healed of my mental illness as soon as possible. Thank you.
Anonymous Please pray for the relationship of Cindy and G. May their love flourish, with God at the centre of that union. May the path be clear for them to marry - free from outside negative influences/ situations/ people. May there be renewed trust, communication, understanding, and appreciation. May this be a lifelong dedication, devotion, and great love story! May God always be in the centre of that union. May it be Holy, and blessed by the Lord.
Derek Gerard Solomon Please pray for me Derek Gerard Solomon I’m suffering Persecution St Michael Archangel protect us INRI IHS Father Son Holy Ghost Amen
Tracye Dockett Prayer request for Tracye no weapon formed against me shall prosper and protection from all evil
Raajiv Prasad Dear Sisters, please pray for me that I get general registration as soon as possible and am able to have a career as a doctor so that I can serve the community and God better. Thank you very much.
Monika I kindly request your prayers for my healing. May Jesus calm my fears and worries as I await the results of medical tests.
Maureen OKeefe Catherine McAuley to you, I entrust my grand-nephew, Jaxon McKinney who suffers from cancer at the stem of his brain. Please intercede for his healing.
Fransiskus Santoso, SVD Hi Sisters please pray for my priesthood ordination May 22, 2021 please pray that i can become a holy priest. In this occasion, I wish that you can send me a card for the occasion of my ordination and you can send it to 5342 S. University Ave Chicago, IL 60615. Seeing your card helps me to know I am prayed for and remembered by many people on one of the important days in my vocation journey. Thanks a lot Sisters
Showing results 379 to 387 of 480 results