Archive Prayers

Andrew Tomanelli Hello My name is andrew and I ask you kindly to please pray for my cousin Andrea Regina who has lung cancer and brain cancer and I hope that the Good lord heals him and his wife Eleanor who also is paralyzed I thank you all God bless you all
Chantal Please pray for me Chantal to discern God's will for my life and which path to take. I need to act to remedy some situations with the church and want to do the right things. Also I have to go to trial for the man who assaulted me, and I pray that the trial is successful and he is convicted and they will help me. Please pray for my healing, physically and emotionally and to find peace and purpose in my new life . Pray god will heal the church and help me navigate the abuse. Thank you.
Antonio Vicente For the eternal repose of my deceased friend Elvis and all my deceased family members, relatives and friends, that their souls may rest in peace!
Raj Pratik Dear Sisters, kindly pray for me that I am healed of my psychotic mental illness, as I am otherwise facing homelessness. Thank you very much for your prayers.
Raajiv Prasad Dear Sisters, please pray for me that I get general registration as a doctor as soon as possible so that I may serve the community and God better. Thank you.
Shea That Christ will heal my hardened heart, lead me to Him, and convert me.
Derek Gerard Solomon Please pray for me Derek Gerard Solomon I’m suffering Persecution St Michael Archangel protect us INRI IHS Father Son Holy Ghost Amen St Joseph pray for us
Carol-ann Dear Sisters I am having issues with my health overall, I am booked for an ultrasound of my abdomen on May 28th., I ask you kindly to keep me in prayer. Blessings to you all.
Alan Demascus Dear Sisters, please pray that, by divine Grace, I, Alan, am healed of my psychotic mental illness, which causes me great distress and suffering. Thank you.
Showing results 370 to 378 of 480 results