Archive Prayers

Fransiskus Santoso, SVD Hi Sisters please pray for my priesthood ordination May 22, 2021 please pray that i can become a holy priest. In this occasion, I wish that you can send me a card for the occasion of my ordination and you can send it to 5342 S. University Ave Chicago, IL 60615. Seeing your card helps me to know I am prayed for and remembered by many people on one of the important days in my vocation journey. Thanks a lot Sisters
Alan Demascus Please pray for Alan, that by divine Grace, he is healed of his psychosis, which is very distressing for him. Thank you very much.
Raj Pratik Please pray that Raj is healed of his schizophrenia/psychosis by the boundless mercy and grace of God. Thank you.
Anonymous I have been unemployed for two years. Please pray for me to get a job in the school organization. Thank you for praying.
Xavier Please pray for God to grant me the grace of unwavering faith and for my faith to endure to the very end. Please pray for repose of souls of Fr. Antonio Cotta, Fr. Sergio Mascarenhas, Fr. Olivio Miranda, Sr. Mary Francesca, Br. Victor Campos, Ms. Victoria Conceisao and Ms. Sucorinha Gomes.
Xavier Please pray for my conversion and salvation, for God to grant me the grace of final perseverance. Please pray for repose of souls of Fr. Sergio , Fr. Olivio , Sr. Mary Francesca, Sr. Mary Celine, Sr. Mary Beatrice, Ms. Victoria Conceisao and Mr. Alexio .
Susan Please pray that I may receive Gods healing. So I can feel well and have peace of mind again. Thank you.
emily Please pray for my friend kristine. Her husband abandoned her and their children leaving them in dire straits
Chantal Please pray for me.and for God to help me fight for what is right and good. Please pray he will show Fr. A. and Fr F. what is the truth and what they need to do to help the situation and what is right. To help protect me from harm and to help me heal and not abuse me. Please pray God the right people who can help me. And what I where I should go? Please God amen.
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