Archive Prayers

Line Bouclin Good Lord Jesus, take care of our colleague Jeremy. Push away any evil spirit and human that harasses him and forbids them to come back to him and his girlfriend. Save him from his ill-being and from his miseries. Guide him in joy toward happy life. Free him from ancestral knots and consequences and undo them all; also undo any manipulation of any kind over him. Make him a good worker, satisfied with his work production and work schedule/hours. Thanks. Line and Jacques
Rob Please pray with me for Rebecca ; May the Grace, Peace and Protection of the holy spirit dwell in her heart and life and job. For the mercy of the Lord in the life of Rebecca . Blessed be Rebecca and my Life, Health, Job and my Home, in the eternity in Jesus Christ, amen. Thank you!
Alan Demascus Dear Holy Sisters, please pray for the healing of Alan's head, especially his intelligence is back to normal. Thank you very much.
Melissa Bradbury Please say a prayer for my mother Blanche who is getting her CT scan tomorrow ( Monday Jan 24th) for positive results and great health and that her cancer is still stable
Georgekutty Antony Kindly pray for the speedy recovery of my brother soyichen from parkinsonism and after effects of stroke and heart problems
Parker Howard Please pray for my daughter's addiction physical mental and emotional pain. Please pray for her depression loneliness emptiness and fears. Please pray for her safety health finances happiness and salvation. Thank you and God bless you.
Raj Pratik Dear Holy Sisters, please pray that I may be forgiven for my sin 13 years ago, for which I have experienced a terrible psychosis and hellish suffering for the last 13 years, ongoing. Thank you very much.
Alan Dear Sisters, please pray for an end to the hellish conditions of life that I have been subject to for the past 13 years. Thank you very much.
Charlie Prasad Dear Sisters, please pray for healing for my head.
Showing results 298 to 306 of 480 results