Archive Prayers

Antonio Vicente For the eternal repose of my deceased father and all the faithful departed, that their souls may rest in peace!
Deepak Day Dear Sisters, please pray that I am healed of my chronic illness and restored to full good health. Thank you for your prayers.
Chantal Please pray for me to heal and be well and protected. Please pray the man who assaulted me will be convicted and face God's will and justice. Please pray he will tell the truth. That the lawyers will be successfull in getting a good outcome for everyone to heal and move forward. Please pray God will show me how he wishes me to think and feel and be. Thank you, amen.
Raj P Kindly please pray that I am healed, that my intelligence is restored back to pre-illness levels. Thank you.
Emmanuel. For God's mercy and intervention in and success of our proposal to Gala/UAC Foods, Nigeria. Amen.
Alan Demascus Please pray that Alan is healed of his psychotic mental illness and his intelligence is restored back to the level before his illness. Thank you.
Raajiv Prasad Kindly please pray that Raajiv passes his medical internship placement and gets general registration as a doctor, so that he can serve the community and God better. Thank you.
Karen Please pray for my 23 yr old daughter to get out quickly from a unhealthy relationship with a 43 yr old man, who is her boss and newly separated. We her parents are distraught, and have respectfully shared our concerns with her, but her whole attitude has changed and she doesn't seem to care about anything but him. Please pray to have them dissolve this troublesome relationship. He is way to old for her and plus he is her boss (owner) of where she works. I cannot stop crying and and a
Charlie Prasad Dear Holy Sisters, please pray, that I, Charlie, am healed of my psychotic mental illness, where I feel I can communicate with the television. Thank you very much for your prayers.
Showing results 289 to 297 of 430 results