Archive Prayers

Deepak Dey Please pray, by the mercy and grace of the Lord, for the healing of my mental illness. Thank you.
Mary gray Please pray for my father Michael Gray, who is 83 and dying of lung cancer, pray he be released of any fear, that his death is a happy and peaceful one and that he is reunited with God in heaven. Thank you
Charlie Prasad Kindly please pray for the healing of Charlie's mental illness. Thank you very much.
Lucy M I pray for my children and siblings to be delivered and set free from all evil spirits and to be Divinely connected to God Almighty and live a holy and blessed life. Also for financial breakthrough and for our business to be profitable.
Joshua Wheeler Please pray for the people in the city of Mariupol in Ukraine. It is reported that up to 120,000 people are stranded their and as you know the city has been laid waste by the war. There is a lack of water, food, shelter, and medicine. Civilians have been targeted in an affront to human rights and dignity. Therefore I request that you pray for an end to this war. Please pray for a lady named Mary who is in Kiev and all the suffering in the Ukraine. Please pray for the end of atrocities.
Anonymous Please pray for me and my church. Please pray for safety and God's will to be done. Please pray Father F will do the right thing and protect victims of abuse instead of the abuser. Please pray that I will have a path to happiness and have my life back. That I will know what to do. Thank you. Amen.
Alan Demascus Dear Sisters, please pray for the healing of Alan's psychosis/schizophrenia illness, especially his hallucination and delusion of being able to communicate with the television, which is very distressing for him. Thank you very much.
Lee Family Please Pray To Give My Wife Strength, Courage, and Guidance Self representing herself in our case in the fight of our lives, and our children's lives, to reunite our beautiful family back Together, Court Starting Tuesday, April 5th, please God in Heaven and all the Saints and anyone who has the heart to please pray to help us reunite our family. Amen
Raj Pratik Please pray, by the infinite mercy and grace of the Lord, for an end to the excessive sufferings and distress in my life. Thank you.
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