Archive Prayers

Anonymous Please pray for me and my church. Please pray for safety and God's will to be done. Please pray Father F will do the right thing and protect victims of abuse instead of the abuser. Please pray that I will have a path to happiness and have my life back. That I will know what to do. Thank you. Amen.
Alan Demascus Dear Sisters, please pray for the healing of Alan's psychosis/schizophrenia illness, especially his hallucination and delusion of being able to communicate with the television, which is very distressing for him. Thank you very much.
Lee Family Please Pray To Give My Wife Strength, Courage, and Guidance Self representing herself in our case in the fight of our lives, and our children's lives, to reunite our beautiful family back Together, Court Starting Tuesday, April 5th, please God in Heaven and all the Saints and anyone who has the heart to please pray to help us reunite our family. Amen
Raj Pratik Please pray, by the infinite mercy and grace of the Lord, for an end to the excessive sufferings and distress in my life. Thank you.
Julian Fernandes Blessing of lent season in Lord Jesus Christ to us one and all. For peace of ongoing undeclared war Russia Ukraine, many died, lack of sovereignty respect. That Russia, Ukraine, India n entire world r consecrated to Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mama Mary. Protection, healing, blessing permanent job to daughter Asmitha, filled with Holy Spirit, is blessed diligent search of God fearing employed Catholic partner in face of threats.
LInda Hamilton I need healing for depression and bipolar disorder
Georgekutty Antony Kindly pray for my mother kunjamma admitted in hospital due to stroke
Andrea Mills Please pray for Jane and Andy to get well and to have good results from their upcoming health exams. Thank you for your help.
Joshua Wheeler I am dealing with severe anxiety attacks, depression, and overcoming darkness. I am trying to get closer to God and depending on him. I am studying the Bible. I have been a believer for a long time. Please pray that I will be totally healed and that God will conquer this and that I will attain His love, light, and profound peace. God bless you for your prayers. Knowing there are those praying is a ray of light for me. Thank you.
Showing results 262 to 270 of 475 results