Pope Francis is scheduled to travel to Edmonton, Quebec City and Iqaluit next week to meet members of Canadian indigenous groups, residential school abuse survivors and Catholics.

In an address at Vatican City on Sunday, July 17, Pope Francis said that he sees this visit as a “penitential pilgrimage” which he hopes will contribute to the journey of healing and reconciliation that has already begun.
This is a very significant moment in our history.
Join us in prayer for Pope Francis and for all the individuals and groups with whom he will be meeting during these days.
Ways to view the papal events include the following:
Salt & Light Catholic Media Foundation has a dedicated site for information and broadcast details for the papal visit –
https://slmedia.org/popeincanada (English) or https://slmedia.org/fr/papeaucanada (French). The network will air all public events.
Livestream links– papalvisit.ca and www.visitepapale.ca will provide links to a number of livestreams for papal events, broadcast in more than 10 languages, including many Indigenous languages, as well as sign languages. Visitors will also be able to access feeds from Vatican TV that include commentary in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and German.
Novalis has produced a digital resource that includes texts for all the liturgies presided by Pope Francis, prayers as well as reflections on the significance of the Papal Visit. To download the resource, visit: ca (English) or prionseneglise.ca (French)