Mercy Centre for Ecology and justice offers a number of programs to promote issues of ecology and justice.

Organic Garden: A large section of the property is cultivated annually by students/families from the English Language School of the Association for New Canadians, Elizabeth Avenue. The products of the harvest are shared among the school’s students and their families. There is usually a planting and a harvest ritual which have spiritual and socialization components.
Cosmic Walk: The cosmic walk is a physical layout of the story of the evolution of cosmos with focus on planet earth through the billions of years. The cosmic walk is a spiral path carved in the grass with sign-posts that describe each of the evolutionary events. Guide booklets have been printed and the sign-posts are descriptive. An app will be prepared for those who prefer to walk and listen to the facts.

Visitors to the Mercy Centre start the reflective walk at the present moment and walk into the centre – to the beginning! From the centre of the spiral, marking the moment of the beginning of the universe, the visitor moves outwards along the path with markers placed for each stage of the creation story. The markers are at scale to the time periods so that the walker can graspa concept of the time lapse between the stages of the evolutionary journey. In addition to the personal, out-of-doors walking experience opportunities are scheduled for individuals or groups to further reflect on their experience of the cosmic walk.
Laudato Si’ Program: A grant was provided to the MCEJ with provision to provide education and reflection based on an encyclical letter of Pope Francis, “Laudato Si’” A user- friendly program has been developed and offered to small groups. The program focuses on the concept of ‘care for our common home’ and the integral interconnectedness of Earth and of all of creation and humans, especially the most vulnerable. Ecology and justice are intertwined.
Summer Camps: For the past number of years, the MCEJ has organized and carried out week- long summer camps for young children. The camps provide children with out-of door experiences and reflective education about the universe, creation, the environment, gardening, waterways, respect and care for all of creation, and more.
Healthful Experience: The MCEJ provides a space of beauty, inspiration and healing through the availability of its property for indoor and outdoor activity or just mere contemplation in the quiet of the Pippy Park area. Individuals, families or groups could visit to spend time sitting or working in the garden or to take part in educational and reflective programs offered at the Centre.

Education, Advocacy, Public Engagement: Workshops, forums, partnerships to promote issues of ecology and justice.