This short film is based on Pope Francis’ 2023 document “Laudate Deum” An Apostolic Exhortation to All People of Good Will on The Climate Crisis”.
The Sisters of Mercy have supported this project and are most grateful to Kevin Moynihan and his creative and committed colleagues in documenting this very important issue and enhancing Pope Francis exhortation to the whole world. We congratulate Kevin, his team and his collaborators.
This 20 minute film uses dramatic images and footage of the current climate crisis interspersed with excerpts from the document and expert observations offered by Caroline Brouiette, Exec. Director of Climate Action Network Canada, Dr. Hilda Koster Professor of Theology and Ecology , University of Toronto and Dr. Darlene O’Leary, Co-ordinator of the Martha Justice Ministry, Antigonish, NS. It is also an effective primer on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and analyses the effectiveness of the COP’s or annual UN meetings concerning the Climate Crisis.
Este cortometraje está basado en el documento del Papa Francisco de 2023 «Laudate Deum» Exhortación apostólica a todos los hombres de buena voluntad sobre la crisis climática».
Las Hermanas de la Misericordia han apoyado este proyecto y están muy agradecidas a Kevin Moynihan y a sus creativos y comprometidos colaboradores por documentar este tema tan importante y realzar la exhortación del Papa Francisco al mundo entero. Felicitamos a Kevin, a su equipo y a sus colaboradores.
Esta película de 20 minutos utiliza imágenes y secuencias dramáticas de la actual crisis climática intercaladas con extractos del documento y observaciones de expertos ofrecidas por Caroline Brouiette, Exec. Brouiette, Directora Ejecutiva de Climate Action Network Canada, la Dra. Hilda Koster, Profesora de Teología y Ecología de la Universidad de Toronto, y la Dra. Darlene O’Leary, Coordinadora del Martha Justice Ministry, Antigonish, NS. También es un manual eficaz sobre la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático y analiza la eficacia de las COP o reuniones anuales de la ONU relativas a la crisis climática.
If we love God, we will undoubtedly love our neighbour also; they are as cause and effect.
Retreat Instructions, p.147
This is your life, joys and sorrow mingled, one succeeding the other.
Letter to Francis Warde
If the love of God really reigns in your heart, it will quickly show itself in the exterior.
Retreat Instructions, p. 145
May God bless the poor Sisters of Mercy and make them very humble that they may not be unworthy of the distinguished blessings God has bestowed upon them.
Letter to Elizabeth Moore
[God] knows I would rather be cold and hungry than the poor in Kingston or elsewhere should be deprived of any consolation in our power to afford.
Letter to Teresa White