Governor General Visits the Gathering Place

July 5, 2024

On Sunday, June 30 the Governor General of Canada, her excellency Mary Simon and her husband, his excellency Whit Fraser, spent a brief visit at the Gathering Place in St. John’s.

They chatted with guests in the garden who were waiting for lunch to be served. They both donned an apron, hair-net and gloves as they prepared to serve the meal. Some guests ate in the dining room and some requested take-out meals. They served coffee and tea and met other guests who seemed delighted to meet them.

After a short time of serving the vice-regal party visited some of the service areas of the Gathering Place and were briefed by Co-Director Kim Grant regarding the history, statistics, programs and services of the Gathering Place. Board Members, Sr. Diane Smyth (Congregational Leader, Sisters of Mercy) and Ms. Anne Whelan were present during this segment of the first official visit of their excellencies to Newfoundland and Labrador.

Her excellency Mary Simon and her husband, his excellency Whit Fraser in the kitchen area at the Gathering placepreparing to serve the meal
Service about to begin!
In conversation with co-director of the Gathering Place Ms. Kim Grant
Sr Diane Smyth, Congregation Leader and Board Member of the Gathering Place (front, left) with Board Member Ms Anne Whelan
Her excellency in front of Gerard Squires ceramic artwork 'A hand rules compassion as a hand rules heaven.'
In conversation with a client

Background to the visit

Their Excellencies the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada, and Mr. Whit undertook an official visit to Newfoundland and Labrador from June 29 to July 5, 2024.

This visit marks Her Excellency’s first official trip to the province as governor general and will be an opportunity to learn about Newfoundland and Labrador’s rich history and vibrant culture.

As commander-in-chief of Canada, the Governor General will participate in two military commemorations: the repatriation of an unknown Newfoundland First World War soldier and the Centennial of the Newfoundland National War Memorial. Her Excellency will also take part in celebrations of Newfoundland and Labrador’s 75th anniversary and Canada Day.

The visit to Newfoundland and Labrador will highlight activities related to the Governor General’s priorities, including reconciliation, mental health, climate change and innovation. She will meet with Indigenous leaders; launch the Mental Health Learning and Listening Tour; and highlight success stories of integrating Indigenous knowledge with modern science to create sustainable to solutions to such pressing challenges as climate change and food security. Official visits are also opportunities for the Governor General, on behalf of Canadians, to recognize and thank people who are making a difference in a range of different fields.

Source: Governor General website:

Interview with Mary Simon on her visit to Newfoundland

El domingo 30 de junio, la Gobernadora General de Canadá, Su Excelencia Mary Simon, y su marido, Su Excelencia Whit Fraser, pasaron una breve visita en el Gathering Place de St. John’s.

Charlaron con los invitados que esperaban en el jardín a que se sirviera el almuerzo. Ambos se pusieron delantal, redecilla para el pelo y guantes mientras se preparaban para servir la comida. Algunos invitados comieron en el comedor y otros pidieron comida para llevar. Sirvieron café y té y conocieron a otros huéspedes que parecían encantados de conocerlas.

Tras un breve rato de servicio, el grupo virreinal visitó algunas de las áreas de servicio del Gathering Place y la codirectora Kim Grant les informó sobre la historia, las estadísticas, los programas y los servicios del Gathering Place. Los miembros de la Junta, hna. Diane Smyth (Líder Congregacional, Hermanas de la Misericordia) y la Sra. Anne Whelan estuvieron presentes durante este segmento de la primera visita oficial de sus excelencias a Terranova y Labrador.

Antecedentes de la visita

Sus Excelencias la Muy Honorable Mary Simon, Gobernadora General de Canadá, y el Sr. Whit emprendieron una visita oficial a Terranova y Labrador del 29 de junio al 5 de julio de 2024.

Esta visita supone el primer viaje oficial de Su Excelencia a la provincia como gobernadora general y será una oportunidad para conocer la rica historia y la vibrante cultura de Terranova y Labrador.

Como comandante en jefe de Canadá, la Gobernadora General participará en dos conmemoraciones militares: la repatriación de un soldado desconocido de Terranova de la Primera Guerra Mundial y el centenario del Monumento Nacional a la Guerra de Terranova. Su Excelencia participará asimismo en las celebraciones del 75 aniversario de Terranova y Labrador y del Día de Canadá.

La visita a Terranova y Labrador pondrá de relieve las actividades relacionadas con las prioridades de la Gobernadora General, entre ellas la reconciliación, la salud mental, el cambio climático y la innovación. La Gobernadora General se reunirá con dirigentes indígenas, pondrá en marcha la Gira de Aprendizaje y Escucha sobre Salud Mental y destacará casos de éxito en la integración de los conocimientos indígenas con la ciencia moderna para crear soluciones sostenibles a retos tan acuciantes como el cambio climático y la seguridad alimentaria. Las visitas oficiales son también oportunidades para que el Gobernador General, en nombre de los canadienses, reconozca y agradezca a las personas que están marcando la diferencia en una serie de campos diferentes.

Fuente: Página web del Gobernador General: