Journeys to the Well – An Ecumenical Devotional Towards Anti-Racism

The Commission on Justice and Peace of The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) has released an ecumenical devotional resource entitled Journeys to the Well – An Ecumenical Devotional Towards Anti-Racism.

This ecumenical devotional, created by the Commission on Justice and Peace, addresses racism as a central issue for the church. The contributors, most of whom are Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour, and from diverse denominations, ages, and locations across Canada, were invited to reflect on self-selected scriptures and their personal experiences. A minimal editing approach was taken to centre the authors’ authentic voices.

The devotional aims to connect faith with anti-racism action, encouraging readers to engage with scripture and prayer as a foundation for working towards racial justice. It is intended for flexible use, allowing readers to engage with the reflections whatever way resonates with them.

The Commission on Justice and Peace, an ecumenical body within the CCC, facilitates dialogue on justice and peace issues, bridging denominational differences through shared Christian faith.

Download the resource here