Journeying in Dignity, 8 February

Online Pilgrimage of Prayer and Awareness against human trafficking organised by Talitha Kum (International Network Against Human trafficking).

Peregrinación en línea de oración y sensibilización contra la trata de seres humanos organizada por Talitha Kum (Red Internacional contra la Trata de Seres Humanos).

Download the flyer

Download the text of the Prayer Vigil 2023

The International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking takes place every year on February 8th, the day in which we celebrate the liturgical memory of St. Bakhita, the Sudanese nun who as a child had the dramatic experience of being kidnapped and enslaved and became the universal symbol of the Church’s commitment against trafficking.

“Journeying in dignity” is the theme of the 9th Edition of the event.

In 2022, we have experienced major changes as well as the aggravation of crises. In this context, the number of both at-risk groups and people suffering from trafficking violence has increased. We are called to keep hope and the values that guide our being and acting alive. This is the meaning of the theme of the 9th International Day of Prayer, chosen by an international group of young representatives of partner organizations.


February 8, 2023 from 5.00 am to 12 noon (St John’s time) in English and Spanish

8 de febrero de 2023 de 5.00 a 12.00 (hora de San Juan) en inglés y español


Light a Candle for Peace on the 24th of Each Month

Join us as we continue, in solidarity with Mercy Sisters, Associates and Colleagues around the world, to light a candle and pray for justice and peace  on Tuesday, 24 June, 2023.

Post your prayer intention in our sacred space.

The practice began in October 2001, following the 2nd Mercy International Justice Network conference in South Africa, where those present resolved to focus their prayers and action on all forms of violence against women and children, as well as all kinds of racism. The conference opened on the night of September 11 2001 and so the events of that day in New York City deeply affected us as we immersed ourselves in the work at hand.
At this time the suffering of the people in the Ukraine as well as in many other parts of the world seem to be calling us to make a renewed effort to re-commit to this candle lighting and praying ritual.

Encienda una vela por la paz el 24 de cada mes

Únete a nosotros para continuar, en solidaridad con las Hermanas, Asociados y Colegas de la Misericordia de todo el mundo, encendiendo una vela y orando por la justicia y la paz el martes 24 de enero de 2023.

Coloca tu intención de oración en nuestro espacio sagrado.

La práctica comenzó en octubre de 2001, tras la 2ª conferencia de la Red Internacional de Justicia de la Misericordia en Sudáfrica, donde los presentes decidieron centrar sus oraciones y acciones en todas las formas de violencia contra las mujeres y los niños, así como en todo tipo de racismo. La conferencia se inauguró la noche del 11 de septiembre de 2001, por lo que los acontecimientos de ese día en la ciudad de Nueva York nos afectaron profundamente mientras nos sumergíamos en el trabajo que teníamos entre manos.
En estos momentos, el sufrimiento de la población de Ucrania, así como de muchas otras partes del mundo, parece llamarnos a realizar un esfuerzo renovado para volver a comprometernos con este ritual de encender velas y rezar.




Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, 18-25 January

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an ecumenical Christian observance in the Christian calendar that is celebrated internationally. It is kept annually between 18 January and 25 January in the Northern Hemisphere and between Ascension Day and Pentecost in the Southern Hemisphere.

This week will draw together churches across the globe to “Do good; seek justice (Isaiah 1:17).” The theme is inspired by Isaiah 1:12-18, which laments a lack of justice among the People of God. Yet it also promises redemption by encouraging acts of justice. Like Isaiah, we hope to inspire a renewed desire and effort for justice among Christian peoples around the world. The theme and materials call Christians to recognize that the divisions between our churches and confessions cannot be separated from the divisions within the wider human family.

Resources for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023 (PDF)

For reflection

Isaiah challenged God’s people in his day to learn to do good together; to seek justice together, to rescue the oppressed together, to defend the orphan and plead for the widow together. The prophet’s challenge applies equally to us today.
How can we live our unity as Christians so as to confront the evils and injustices of our time?
How can we engage in dialogue, increase awareness, understanding and insight about one another’s lived experiences?

La Semana de Oración por la Unidad de los Cristianos es una observancia cristiana ecuménica del calendario cristiano que se celebra internacionalmente. Se celebra anualmente entre el 18 y el 25 de enero en el hemisferio norte y entre el día de la Ascensión y Pentecostés en el hemisferio sur.

Esta semana reunirá a iglesias de todo el mundo para “Hacer el bien; buscar la justicia (Isaías 1:17)”. El tema se inspira en Isaías 1:12-18, que lamenta la falta de justicia en el Pueblo de Dios. Sin embargo, también promete la redención alentando los actos de justicia. Como Isaías, esperamos inspirar un deseo y un esfuerzo renovados por la justicia entre los pueblos cristianos de todo el mundo. El tema y los materiales llaman a los cristianos a reconocer que las divisiones entre nuestras iglesias y confesiones no pueden separarse de las divisiones dentro de la familia humana en general.

Recursos para la Semana de oración por la unidad de los cristianos (PDF)

Para reflexionar

Isaías desafió al pueblo de Dios de su tiempo a aprender a hacer el bien juntos; a buscar juntos la justicia, a rescatar juntos a los oprimidos, a defender juntos al huérfano y a suplicar juntos por la viuda. El desafío del profeta se aplica igualmente a nosotros hoy.
¿Cómo podemos vivir nuestra unidad como cristianos para hacer frente a los males y las injusticias de nuestro tiempo?
¿Cómo podemos entablar un diálogo, aumentar la conciencia, la comprensión y el entendimiento sobre las experiencias vividas por los demás?

Pope Francis’ January Prayer Intention: “For Educators”; Intención de oración del Papa Francisco para enero: “Por los educadores”

In his prayer intention for January 2023, Pope Francis proposes that educators “add new content to their teaching: fraternity.” He invites them to “become community builders” and prays that they may be “be credible witnesses, teaching fraternity rather than confrontation.”

Post your prayer intention for those you know involved in education here in our online chapel

En su intención de oración para enero de 2023, el Papa Francisco propone a los educadores “añadir un nuevo contenido a su enseñanza: la fraternidad.” Les invita a “convertirse en constructores de comunidad” y reza para que sean “testigos creíbles, enseñando la fraternidad en lugar del enfrentamiento.”

Publica tu intención de oración por aquellos que conoces implicados en la educación aquí, en nuestra capilla online

Pope’s October Prayer Intention: “For a Church Open to Everyone”

In his prayer intention for October, Pope Francis invites the members of the Church to listen to each other in their diversity and to open the doors to those who are outside.

We pray for the Church; ever faithful to, and courageous in preaching the Gospel, may the Church be a community of solidarity, fraternity and welcome, always living in an atmosphere of synodality.

Post your prayer intention here in our online chapel

More about Synodality


Mercy Day Reflection – September 24, 2022

The great feast that unites the Mercy world is Mercy Day, 24 September.La gran fiesta que une al mundo de la Misericordia es el Día de la Misericordia, el 24 de septiembre.

Catherine McAuley, Foundress

Many blessings as we remember and celebrate Mercy Day!
¡Muchas bendiciones al recordar y celebrar el Día de la Misericordia!

A Reflection has been prepared for this day which you may wish to use to celebrate with us.
Se ha preparado una Reflexión para este día que puede utilizar para celebrar con nosotros.



Pope’s July Prayer Intention: ‘For the elderly’

Pope Francis has dedicated the month of July to prayer for the Elderly of our world, and urges everyone to pray for the elderly “who represent the roots and memory of a people” so that they may be “teachers of tenderness”.

Let us hold in our prayers the elderly among us, those elderly who are known to us, the elderly residents of St Patrick’s Mercy Home and the many elderly people who find themselves in living in poverty and loneliness and who are often exploited by those closest to them.

Post your prayer intention here in our online chapel

Join the Mercy World in Prayer on the Second Anniversary of Laudato Si’

To mark the second anniversary of the release by Pope Francis of his encyclical letter Laudato Si’, Sisters of Mercy across the globe have committed to 9 Days of Prayer and reflection using the Prayer for our Earth.

The 9 Days of Prayer will commence on Saturday, 10 June and conclude on Sunday 18 June, the actual anniversary of the document’s release. It is one outcome of the Mercy International Reflection Process where we listened attentively to ‘the cry of Earth and the cry of the Poor’.

Resources for the 9 Days of Prayer include:

a reflective logo

the prayer sheet

a poster

reflection pages with additional resources for each of the 9 Days.


Access all the resources here and join us in prayer for Earth and the Earth community.

Human Solidarity: June Prayer Intention of Pope Francis

We are all invited to join with Pope Francis and his worldwide prayer network in praying this month’s intention: Human Solidarity.

‘That the aged, marginalized, and those who have no one may find–even within the huge cities of the world–opportunities for encounter and solidarity.’


Forthcoming Papal Prayer Intentions:

Pope Francis’ remaining prayer intentions for 2016 will include: greater respect for  indigenous peoples; helping sports contribute to peace; encouraging journalists to respect truth and be more ethical; greater support for countries that take in refugees; and an end to the use of child soldiers.

Pope’s Intentions for 2016

Post your prayer in the Baggot Street Chapel

Stations of Mercy 3 March – 3 April 2016

On 3 April 2016 a small but representative group of Mercy pilgrims— both Sisters and partners-in-Mercy— will be present in Rome for Divine Mercy Sunday, one of the events in the Vatican’s Jubilee Year of Mercy Calendar.

In preparation for that pilgrimage, all Mercy International Association (MIA) Member Congregations and Institutes have prepared reflective and inspirational powerpoints and videos on the Face of Mercy in their own congregations today, using as their inspiration the 14 Stations of the Cross and 10 of the Corporal and Spiritual Works. Together these 24 reflections will form the Stations of Mercy.

Sisters of Mercy Newfoundland have taken special responsibility for Works of Mercy 8 (To Shelter the Homeless) and 10 (To visit the Imprisoned).

We invite you to join us on this prayerful and reflective pilgrimage. Reflections for each day, from 3 March to 3 April, can be acccessed on the website

A calendar of the Stations can be downloaded here: A4 Paper Size (PDF); US Letter Size (PDF)


Stations of Mercy logo © Mercy International Association 2016