Stations of Mercy 3 March – 3 April 2016

On 3 April 2016 a small but representative group of Mercy pilgrims— both Sisters and partners-in-Mercy— will be present in Rome for Divine Mercy Sunday, one of the events in the Vatican’s Jubilee Year of Mercy Calendar.

In preparation for that pilgrimage, all Mercy International Association (MIA) Member Congregations and Institutes have prepared reflective and inspirational powerpoints and videos on the Face of Mercy in their own congregations today, using as their inspiration the 14 Stations of the Cross and 10 of the Corporal and Spiritual Works. Together these 24 reflections will form the Stations of Mercy.

Sisters of Mercy Newfoundland have taken special responsibility for Works of Mercy 8 (To Shelter the Homeless) and 10 (To visit the Imprisoned).

We invite you to join us on this prayerful and reflective pilgrimage. Reflections for each day, from 3 March to 3 April, can be acccessed on the website

A calendar of the Stations can be downloaded here: A4 Paper Size (PDF); US Letter Size (PDF)


Stations of Mercy logo © Mercy International Association 2016

A Prayer for the days leading up to Paris Summit (COP21)

On November 29 we begin the season of Advent, that season of “waiting in joyful hope.”  On November 30, in another of these moments of wondrous connections, the Paris Conference on Climate Change (COP21) begins. We invite you to join with us.

Attached below is a reflection sheet (in English and in Spanish) which you are invited to download and use for the seven days.

*Vigil Prayer Sisters of Mercy (PDF) *Vigilia Hermanas de Misericordia (PDF)

The days echo the themes of the seven days of creation as imaged in Genesis 1.  Each day is framed in the same way — a colour of the rainbow, a text, a prayer, an image of the creation day, and a promise for specific action (personal and communal).  We are invited to find time during each day, possibly integrated into morning or evening prayer or a blessing before meals, to pray this reflection either in community or with friends or each one in her own heart. You may choose to cut the papers into individual strips for each day or keep them as they are.

We also have the privilege as a Congregation to join the other eleven Mercy congregations and institutes to pray Pope Francis’ “Prayer for Our Earth” each day during the Conference.  Our Congregation has been assigned December 9 as the day when we hold the prayer in our special embrace.  That prayer, taken from the end of Laudato Si’, is added to your reflection sheet. Once again, we invite you to join with us.

– Sisters of Mercy

The Pope’s Call to Mobilize: Petition & Global Climate March

Advent Retreat

Advent Retreat

Mercy Associates

                « Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God »  Teilhard de Chardin

“Come, take time to prepare your heart in joyful hope for the Advent of our God.”  This was the invitation to Mercy Associates to participate in a day of prayer and reflection with Sister Loretta Chafe in the Associate Room and Mercy Convent Chapel, St. John’s on November 30 and December 3, 2013.

 Some thoughts expressed by participants at the end of the day:

 Through singing, psalms and scripture reading, personal reflections, sharing of thoughts and a guided reflection on Luke’s account of the visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth, the many facets of joy were contemplated.

 Each line of scripture led us to the heartfelt understanding that life is all joy and freedom once we become aware of God’s presence in our own hearts and in each other.  Each person  shared stories about how we receive the grace in the everyday moments of our lives to “rejoice in all things” – how our lives are a winding journey comprised  of joys and sorrows, disappointments and losses, high points of achievement and reward, quiet empty spaces of time and fun-filled times with others.

 Sister Loretta’s guided journey with Mary to Elizabeth’s house was truly precious in enabling us to experience trust, joy and comfort with one another. Just as Mary was so filled with joy as she spoke with Elizabeth,  that she proclaimed the Magnificat, we too are asked to open our hearts to receive God’s love and allow Jesus to born anew in us. 

 The retreat was an oasis of quiet time away from the material hustle and bustle of Christmas preparations.  It provided a joy and peace that we can take back to our homes and communities.

 The day was thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by everyone.  We left with lighter and more joyful hearts and with a spring in our step.  For a few hours we shared a sacred space and a spiritual unity that brought us to a greater awareness of the presence of God within and among us.

 Edited by Sister Maureen O’Keefe