Join Us Today in Prayer for Peace. Únase hoy a nosotros en la oración por la paz

Pope St John XXIII’s encyclical Pacem in Terris (Peace on Earth) was first published sixty years ago today (11 April 1963), in the midst of the Cold War and with the Vietnam war ongoing. It was two years after the erection of the Berlin Wall and just months after the Cuban Missile Crisis brought the world to the brink of a nuclear third world war.

Written during the first year of Vatican II, it was the first time a major Catholic Social Teaching document was addressed not just to Catholics but to “all people of good will”.

“Peace is but an empty word, if it does not rest upon… an order that is founded on truth, built up on justice, nurtured and animated by charity, and brought into effect under the auspices of freedom.” (#167)

Sixty years after John XXIII published the encyclical Pacem in Terris, Pope Francis renews his message that “war is madness, it is beyond reason.”

In this year’s Easter message Pope Francis prayed “Help the beloved Ukrainian people on their journey towards peace, and shed the light of Easter upon the people of Russia. Comfort the wounded and all those who have lost loved ones because of the war, and grant that prisoners may return safe and sound to their families. Open the hearts of the entire international community to strive to end this war and all conflict and bloodshed in our world, beginning with Syria, which still awaits peace…”

Post your prayer in our sacred space

L’enciclica Pacem in Terris (Pace in Terra) di Papa Giovanni XXIII è stata pubblicata per la prima volta sessant’anni fa (11 aprile 1963), in piena guerra fredda e con la guerra del Vietnam in corso. Due anni dopo l’erezione del Muro di Berlino e pochi mesi dopo che la crisi dei missili di Cuba aveva portato il mondo sull’orlo di una terza guerra mondiale nucleare.

Scritta durante il primo anno del Concilio Vaticano II, fu la prima volta che un importante documento di dottrina sociale cattolica si rivolgeva non solo ai cattolici ma a “tutti gli uomini di buona volontà”.

“La pace non è che una parola vuota, se non poggia su… un ordine fondato sulla verità, costruito sulla giustizia, nutrito e animato dalla carità e attuato sotto gli auspici della libertà.” (#167)

Sessant’anni dopo che Giovanni XXIII pubblicò l’enciclica Pacem in terris, Papa Francesco rinnova il suo messaggio che “la guerra è una follia, è al di là della ragione”.

Nel suo messaggio pasquale Papa Francesco ha pregato “Aiuta l’amato popolo ucraino nel suo cammino verso la pace, e diffondi la luce della Pasqua sul popolo russo. Conforta i feriti e tutti coloro che hanno perso i loro cari a causa della guerra, e concedi che i prigionieri possano tornare sani e salvi alle loro famiglie. Apri i cuori di tutta la comunità internazionale affinché si impegnino a porre fine a questa guerra e a tutti i conflitti e gli spargimenti di sangue nel nostro mondo, a cominciare dalla Siria, che ancora attende la pace…”.

Pubblica la tua preghiera nel nostro spazio sacro

Join Us in Prayer for the Sick. Unisciti a noi nella preghiera per i malati

World Health Day, 7 April is a reminder and an opportunity to pray for persons who are sick.

Join us in prayer today for all who are sick, especially our sisters, family members, friends and caregivers.

May God touch them with comfort, healing and strength.

Post your prayer in our sacred space

La Giornata mondiale della salute, il 7 aprile, è un promemoria e un’opportunità per pregare per le persone malate.

Unisciti a noi nella preghiera oggi per tutti i malati, in particolare per le nostre sorelle, i nostri familiari, i nostri amici e chi si prende cura di loro.

Che Dio li tocchi con conforto, guarigione e forza.

Pubblica la tua preghiera nel nostro spazio sacro

Join Us in Prayer for Peru. Únete a nosotros en la oración por Perú

We invite you to pray with us for our sisters and for the people of Chiclayo and the whole Lambayeque region of northern Peru who are experiencing such devastation from torrential rains.

Messages from the sisters in Puerto Eten over the past few days are full of concern for the people of their area who are facing severe damage to their homes, loss of crops/livelihood, destruction of roads, bridges and other infrastructure, and buildup of debris. So far, our sisters are safe, but the forecast for the area shows no letup of the rains.

Please keep them and all the people of Peru being affected by the disastrous flooding in prayer.

Post your prayer in our sacred space here

Les invitamos a rezar con nosotros por nuestras hermanas y por la población de Chiclayo y de toda la región de Lambayeque, en el norte de Perú, que está sufriendo los estragos de las lluvias torrenciales.

Los mensajes de las hermanas de Puerto Eten de los últimos días están llenos de preocupación por la población de la zona, que se enfrenta a graves daños en sus hogares, pérdida de cosechas y medios de subsistencia, destrucción de carreteras, puentes y otras infraestructuras, y acumulación de escombros. Hasta ahora, nuestras hermanas están a salvo, pero las previsiones para la zona no indican que las lluvias vayan a amainar.

Por favor, rezad por ellas y por todos los peruanos afectados por las desastrosas inundaciones.

Publica tu oración en nuestro espacio sagrado aquí


Pope Francis’ April Prayer Intention “For a non-violent culture”. Intención de oración de abril del Papa Francisco “Por una cultura de la no violencia”.

No to violence, no to war, no to arms: Pope Francis calls for a culture of peace.

April 11 marks the 60th anniversary of the publication of the encyclical Pacem in terris written by Pope John XXIII and subtitled “On establishing universal peace in truth, justice, charity, and liberty.” In this month’s video, Pope Francis strongly renews this message, stressing that “Any war, any armed confrontation, always ends in defeat for all.”

Let us all resolve to strongly support non-violence.

Post your prayer for peace in our sacred space here

No a la violencia, no a la guerra, no a las armas: el Papa Francisco llama a una cultura de paz.

El 11 de abril marca el 60 aniversario de la publicación de la encíclica Pacem in terris escrita por el Papa Juan XXIII y subtitulada “Sobre el establecimiento de la paz universal en la verdad, la justicia, la caridad y la libertad”. En el video de este mes, el Papa Francisco renueva con fuerza este mensaje, enfatizando que “Cualquier guerra, cualquier enfrentamiento armado, siempre termina en la derrota de todos”.

Decidámonos todos a apoyar firmemente la no violencia.

Publique su oración por la paz en nuestro espacio sagrado aquí


Feast of the Annunciation, 25 March

The Feast of the Annunciation is celebrated annually on 25 March. This event is described in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 1, verses 26-38.

Sr Elizabeth was invited by Redemptorist TV some years ago to record a series on Mary. Among these is the video “Mary of the Annunciation and Pentecost” (5:40). You might like to use this video for reflection on the meaning and significance of today’s feast.

The complete series of 14 videos can be watched here

La fiesta de la Anunciación se celebra anualmente el 25 de marzo. Este acontecimiento se describe en el Evangelio de Lucas (capítulo 1, versículos 26-38).

Hace algunos años, Sor Isabel fue invitada por Redemptorist TV a grabar una serie sobre María. Entre ellas se encuentra el vídeo “María de la Anunciación y Pentecostés” (5:40). Puede utilizar este vídeo para reflexionar sobre el sentido y el significado de la fiesta de hoy.

La serie completa de 14 vídeos puede verse aquí

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor

Week of Prayer for Overcoming Racism, Xenophobia, 19-25 March

The World Council of Churches (WCC) is sharing materials for a ‘Week of Prayer for Overcoming Racism and Xenophobia’ in the week that includes the UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on 21 March and the UN International Day for the Remembrance of Victims of Slavery and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade on 25 March.

Group of demonstrators on road from different cultures protest for equal rights – Focus on african senior woman

The week of prayer – focusing on people who continue to suffer from racial discrimination and xenophobia in various parts of the world – begins today, 19 March. The WCC is providing materials for each day that include songs, scripture passages, reflections, and more.

Collectively, the material shows how a just and inclusive world is possible only when all are able to live with dignity and justice. Many nations and peoples-from India to Guyana and other countries-are highlighted in the reflections, which are appropriate for both individuals and groups.

The UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is held on the anniversary of the day police in Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration against apartheid in 1960.

The prayers are an invitation to stand in prayerful solidarity with one another across regions, and condemn all manifestations of racial injustice.

Download the daily prayers for the Week of Prayer for Overcoming Racism and Xenophobia here


El Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) está compartiendo materiales para una “Semana de oración por la superación del racismo y la xenofobia” en la semana que incluye el Día Internacional de las Naciones Unidas para la Eliminación de la Discriminación Racial, el 21 de marzo, y el Día Internacional de las Naciones Unidas en Recuerdo de las Víctimas de la Esclavitud y la Trata Transatlántica de Esclavos, el 25 de marzo.

La semana de oración, centrada en las personas que siguen sufriendo discriminación racial y xenofobia en diversas partes del mundo, comienza hoy, 19 de marzo. El CMI proporciona material para cada día, que incluye canciones, textos bíblicos, reflexiones y mucho más.

En conjunto, el material muestra cómo un mundo justo e inclusivo sólo es posible cuando todos pueden vivir con dignidad y justicia. Muchas naciones y pueblos -desde la India hasta Guyana y otros países- se destacan en las reflexiones, que son apropiadas tanto para individuos como para grupos.

El Día Internacional de las Naciones Unidas para la Eliminación de la Discriminación Racial se celebra en el aniversario del día en que la policía de Sharpeville (Sudáfrica) abrió fuego y mató a 69 personas en una manifestación pacífica contra el apartheid en 1960.

Las oraciones son una invitación a la solidaridad en la oración entre todas las regiones y a la condena de todas las manifestaciones de injusticia racial.

Descargue aquí las oraciones diarias de la Semana de Oración por la Superación del Racismo y la Xenofobia.


Pope Francis’ March Prayer Intention: “For Victims of Abuse”. Intención de oración del Papa Francisco para marzo: “Por las víctimas de abusos”

“Asking for forgiveness is necessary, but not enough”: in the month of March, Pope Francis reflects on abuse, “especially to those committed by members of the Church” and asks that we pray with him for the victims, “who have to be ‘at the center’ of everything.”

At the same time, the Pope invites the Church itself to be “a model”: whether of transparency to “bring it to light,” of “concrete actions to repair the horrors they have suffered and to prevent them from happening again,” or of offering “safe spaces for victims to be heard, supported psychologically, and protected.”

“Pedir perdón es necesario, pero no suficiente”: en el mes de marzo, el Papa Francisco reflexiona sobre los abusos, “especialmente a los cometidos por miembros de la Iglesia” y pide que recemos con él por las víctimas, “que tienen que estar “en el centro” de todo.”

Al mismo tiempo, el Papa invita a la propia Iglesia a ser “un modelo”: ya sea de transparencia para “sacarlo a la luz”, de “acciones concretas para reparar los horrores sufridos y evitar que se repitan”, o de ofrecer “espacios seguros para que las víctimas sean escuchadas, apoyadas psicológicamente y protegidas.”

Pray for the People of Türkiye and Syria

Join us in prayer for the people of  Türkiye and Syria who have been devastated by the 7.7 magnitude earthquake on 6 February, now recognised as the sixth-most-deadly natural disaster this century.

The loss of life, the injuries, the destruction of buildings, the displacement of peoples and the critical needs of the citizens are extraordinary.

You can post your prayer in our online prayer space here.

You might like to pray these words;

“Be present, O Lord, our Good Shepherd, to bring comfort, relief, shelter and human kindness. Shield the people who suffer, console those who are bereaved, prosper the provision of relief, strengthen the work of emergency teams, and shine your light and hope in the midst of despair.” (Diocese of Europe)

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has launched two emergency appeals. Find out more here

World Day of Prayer and Reflection against Human Trafficking, 8 February

Pope Francis has launched an appeal to combat “the shameful scourge” of human trafficking, decrying that it “disfigures dignity.”

The Pope’s cry came in a video message for the ninth World Day of Prayer and Reflection against Human Trafficking, released Wednesday, 8 February, the feast of St Josephine Bakhita.

The English language text of the video address given in Italian is below

“I address you, young people, in a special way: I encourage you to care for dignity, yours and of every person you meet. I know it was you who chose this theme: ‘Journeying in dignity’. It is very important: it indicates a broad horizon for your commitment against human trafficking: human dignity. In this way, you can contribute to keeping hope alive, and I would also add joy, which I invite you to preserve in your hearts, along with the Word of God, because the true joy is Christ!

Human trafficking disfigures dignity. Exploitation and subjugation limit freedom and turn people into objects to use and discard. And the system of trafficking profits from the injustice and wickedness the oblige millions of people to live in conditions of vulnerability. Indeed, people impoverished by the economic crisis, wars, climate change and many forms of instability are easily recruited. Unfortunately. trafficking is growing to a worrying extent, affecting primarily migrants, women and children, young people like you, people full of dreams and the desire to live in dignity.

We live in a difficult time, but it is precisely in this reality that all of us, in particular young people, are required to join forces to build networks of good, to spread the light that comes from Christ and his Gospel. The light that will be symbolically handed over in these days to the young people who have come to Rome to represent the organizations that have for years collaborated for this Day of Prayer and Awareness against trafficking. With this gesture you are sent forth, as missionaries of human dignity, against human trafficking and every form of exploitation. This inaugurates a special year of involvement of young people, until the next Day in 2024. Guard this light and be a blessing for other young people. Never tire of seeking pathways for transforming our societies and preventing the shameful scourge that is human trafficking.”

El Papa Francisco ha lanzado un llamamiento para combatir “la vergonzosa lacra” de la trata de seres humanos, denunciando que “desfigura la dignidad”.

El grito del Papa llegó en un mensaje de vídeo para la novena Jornada Mundial de Oración y Reflexión contra la Trata de Seres Humanos, publicado el miércoles 8 de febrero, fiesta de Santa Josefina Bakhita.

A continuación figura el texto en español del discurso en vídeo pronunciado en italiano

Me dirijo a vosotros, jóvenes, de manera especial: Os animo a cuidar la dignidad, la vuestra y la de cada persona que encontréis. Sé que habéis sido vosotros los que habéis elegido este tema: ‘Viajar con dignidad’. Es muy importante: indica un horizonte amplio para vuestro compromiso contra la trata de seres humanos: la dignidad humana. De este modo, podéis contribuir a mantener viva la esperanza, y yo añadiría también la alegría, que os invito a conservar en vuestros corazones, junto con la Palabra de Dios, ¡porque la verdadera alegría es Cristo!

La trata de seres humanos desfigura la dignidad. La explotación y el sometimiento limitan la libertad y convierten a las personas en objetos de usar y tirar. Y el sistema de trata se beneficia de la injusticia y la maldad que obligan a millones de personas a vivir en condiciones de vulnerabilidad. De hecho, las personas empobrecidas por la crisis económica, las guerras, el cambio climático y muchas formas de inestabilidad son fácilmente reclutadas. Desgraciadamente. la trata está creciendo de forma preocupante, afectando sobre todo a migrantes, mujeres y niños, jóvenes como tú, personas llenas de sueños y deseos de vivir con dignidad.

Vivimos tiempos difíciles, pero es precisamente en esta realidad que todos nosotros, en particular los jóvenes, estamos llamados a unir nuestras fuerzas para construir redes de bien, para difundir la luz que viene de Cristo y de su Evangelio. Luz que será entregada simbólicamente en estos días a los jóvenes que han venido a Roma en representación de las organizaciones que desde hace años colaboran para esta Jornada de oración y sensibilización contra la trata. Con este gesto se os envía, como misioneros de la dignidad humana, contra la trata de seres humanos y toda forma de explotación. Se inaugura así un año especial de implicación de los jóvenes, hasta la próxima Jornada en 2024. Guardad esta luz y sed una bendición para otros jóvenes. No os canséis nunca de buscar caminos para transformar nuestras sociedades y prevenir esa lacra vergonzosa que es la trata de seres humanos.”




Pope Francis’ February Prayer Intention: “For Parishes”. Intención de oración del Papa Francisco para febrero: “Por las parroquias”

In his prayer intention for February 2023, Pope Francis proposes that “Parishes should be close-knit communities of faith, fraternity and welcome towards those most in need.”

Post your prayer intention for your parish here in our online chapel that it will be always “a centre of service and generosity, with its doors always open to those who are excluded”.

En su intención de oración para febrero de 2023, el Papa Francisco propone que “las parroquias sean comunidades unidas de fe, fraternidad y acogida hacia los más necesitados.”

Publica tu intención de oración por tu parroquia aquí, en nuestra capilla online, para que sea siempre “un centro de servicio y generosidad, con sus puertas siempre abiertas a los excluidos”.