Welcome New Leadership Team
In a Co-Missioning Ritual at St. Bride’s Convent, August 30, 2009, the Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland welcomed its new Leadership Team – Sisters Elizabeth Davis (Congregational Leader), Sheila O’Dea, Gladys Bozec and Elizabeth Marrie. Through music, song, readings, reflection and prayer, we moved through moments of thanksgiving, blessing, andco-missioning. The Ritual was indeed a celebration of Mercy – Mercy as we pondered it during our recent Chapter days – the reaching out in compassion to suffering people, the returning to our contemplative roots to be restored in order to continue reaching out again and again.
The transfer of leadership was beautifully symbolized through the passing of the “Mercy Flame” as Sister Helen Harding, outgoing Leader, passed a candle, decorated with a Mercy Cross, to Sister Elizabeth Davis who in turn passed the flame to the assembly. Mindful of the strong tradition of Catherine’s legacy of mercy and compassion, we then voiced aloud our Chapter Proclamation, promising to live out our commitments in partnership with the Team. The Ritual continued as Sister Helen read John O’Donohue’s Blessing for a Leader with the whole assembly extending hands in blessing over the new Team.
On behalf of the Congregation, Sister Elizabeth expressed gratitude to Sisters Helen Harding, Patricia March, Marcella Grant and Diane Smyth for their gifts of leadership shared with us over the years, to the Ritual planning committee for their moving ceremony of celebration. On behalf of the incoming Team, she expressed gratitude to the sisters of the Congregation for placing in them the sacred trust of the ministry of leadership over the next four years.
Following the singing of Catherine’s Suscipe, we continued our celebration with a ‘comfortable cup of tea’, enjoying each other’s company, remembering cherished moments, expressing personal gratitude, wishing well and enjoying treats.

Sisters Gladys Bozec, Elizabeth Marrie, Elizabeth Davis, Sheila O’Dea
See, I am doing something new!
Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
Is. 43:19
We believe that the Mercy charism embraces the interconnectedness of women, suffering people and Earth.
We commit ourselves to explore this interconnectedness, to accept responsibility for care of Earth, and to enhance existing ministries and venture new ministries with women, youth and suffering people.

Sister Helen passing candle to Sister Elizabeth
We believe that the Mercy charism embraces right relationships with God, self, others, Earth and the life-enhancing nature of diversity.
We commit ourselves to deepen our relationship with God, to nurture the quality of relationships within our congregation, to work in partnership with others, and to grow in our understanding and appreciation of diversity in all of life.

Sister Elizabeth passing flame flame to Sister
Mary Thomasine, the oldest sister in the Congregation
We believe that the Mercy charism embraces the energy and influence of mercy presence in the church, in the world and in all creation.
We commit ourselves, in our leadership for mission, to be a personal and corporate presence in struggles for justice and equality.
We make this covenant trusting in God’s Spirit to transform us personally and communally.
Voy a realizar una cosa nueva que ya aparece. ¿No la notan?
Is 43,19
Nosotras creemos que el Carisma de la Misericordia abraza la interconexión de mujeres, gente sufriente y la tierra.
Nosotras nos comprometemos a explorar esta interconexión, a aceptar la responsabilidad del cuidado de la tierra, a continuar enriqueciendo ministerios existentes y aventurar ministerios nuevos con mujeres, jóvenes y gente sufriente.

Sister Elizabeth holds the candle before the Assembly
Nosotras creemos que el Carisma de la Misericordia abraza relaciones buenas con Dios, con uno mismo, con otras/os, con la tierra y la diversidad, que por su naturaleza, nos enriquece.
Nosotras nos comprometemos a profundizar nuestra relación con Dios, a nutrir la calidad de las relaciones dentro de nuestra congregación, a trabajar en colaboración con otras/os y a crecer en nuestra comprensión y apreciación de la diversidad en toda la vida.

Reception for new Leadership Team