Developments for The Gathering Place

For the past couple of weeks work has begun in the interior of Mercy Convent to prepare for the construction of the shelter and transition accommodations for the homeless that will be administered by The Gathering Place.

We currently have a 30-bed shelter operating daily out of the auditorium of the former Mercy School. The interior of the convent will be totally re-constructed to a design suited to the program of care of those who have no home that will eventually see them settled in a permanent housing arrangement.
The majority of the funding for this project comes from the Federal and Provincial housing strategies.
We have been fortunate to have a generous donor who has already given two million dollars along with other corporate and individual donors.
The chapel of Mercy will not be renovated and will serve as part of the Gathering Place project and other possible use yet to be defined.

Global Action Lived Locally: A Case Study from Newfoundland

The Sisters of Mercy in Newfoundland are a Congregation of 124 sisters involved in global action in Canada, Peru, Kenya and Zambia.

Newfoundland’s vision for Global Action stems from their Chapter Proclamation of 2009 as follows:

  • We believe that the Mercy charism embraces the interconnectedness of women, suffering people and Earth. We commit ourselves to explore this interconnectedness, to accept responsibility for care of Earth, and to venture new ministries among women, youth and suffering people.
  • We believe that the Mercy charism embraces right relationships with God, self, others, Earth and the life-enhancing nature of diversity. We commit ourselves to deepen our relationship with God, to nurture the quality of relationships within our congregation, to work in partnership with others, and to grow in our understanding and acceptance of diversity in all of life.
  • We believe that the Mercy charism embraces the energy and influence of mercy presence in the church, in the world and in all creation. We commit ourselves, in our leadership for mission, to be a personal and corporate presence in struggles for justice and equality.

Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland (2009)

The following profile features an example of Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland embodying their vision in St. John’s, Newfoundland.

Sr. Mary Tee is Director of the Mercy Centre for Ecology and Justice located in St. John’s, Newfoundland.

The Mercy Centre for Ecology and Justice focuses its energy and resources toward the unfolding of the vision to live a spirituality flowing from the sacredness of all creation and to work in solidarity with others for the restoration of ecology and justice in the world and in all creation.

In collaboration with partners internationally, nationally and locally, it promotes eco-justice through the exploration of new and practical ways to participate, as co creators with God, in God’s ongoing creation, to sustain the gift of life and enhance the well being of Earth’s sacred community. It promotes awareness of a mutually enhancing relationship between the human and the natural world with an appreciation of reciprocity and interdependence of the one life we all share. It provides experiences, resources, and educational opportunities to expand awareness of the intrinsic value and integrity of all creation. It promotes the involvement of youth in the ministry of ecology and justice.

The centre works to engage the sisters, associates and others, especially youth, in its many projects and activities. The centre serves as facilitator, advocate, educator and prophet in the many aspects of ecology and justice.

The building (pictured at right) is situated on an acre of land that has fruit trees and berry bushes around the perimeter and fertile soil that has seen two crops of vegetables in the past two summers. The garden is a project of the Centre in collaboration with a group of “new Canadians” and students of St. Bonaventure’s College. The produce is shared with the food banks and other groups.


The Gathering Place

The Gathering Place opened its doors in 1994 and offers services to people who are homeless or live in less than desirable housing conditions, are often unemployed or do not have adequate social supports.

“I needed some help and you gathered here with me”

The goal is to foster among Guests independence, self-respect and dignity. While those who come for programs and services now live in St. John’s, many have come from across Newfoundland and Labrador and some from outside the province.

Founded by the Presentation Sisters and the Sisters of Mercy in response to the needs of those coming to their doors seeking food, The Gathering Place now provides many programs and services including meals, foot care, a clothing supply boutique and hair care service. Through collaboration with other agencies, guests of Gathering Place have access to housing experts, nurses and social workers. Guests can avail of advocacy, literacy and computer programs. Inner-city churches have assisted the venture since its beginning, and many other service organizations, church groups, foundations, corporations and individuals make financial and in-kind donations towards the ongoing operation.

The Gathering Place is housed in the former Mercy Convent School, located in the heart of St. John’s. It is a registered charity governed by a Board of Directors with members from the Leadership Teams of the two congregations and from the community at large. The programs and services are offered through a
volunteer-driven operation led by a leadership team (an administrator and two Sister co-directors) and two employed staff members. More than 150 volunteers ensure that programs and services are consistently available.

“We are on the move!!!”

In late 2010, the Board of Directors led a one-year strategic planning process to assess the quality of work being done at The Gathering Place and to determine whether the ministry was still needed. Advice was sought from guests, volunteers and representatives from many agencies interfacing with and related to concern for the Guests. Throughout the consultation process, there was unfailing support for the work, a conviction The Gathering Place provides an essential service which must be maintained. The Gathering Place was encouraged to do “more of the same” and to enhance programs where possible. It was strongly recommended that renovations to the facility would broaden the range of services provided and ensure continuation into the future.

To facilitate the renovations project begun in September 2012, programs were relocated to The Lantern, a spirituality centre owned by the Presentation Sisters near The Gathering Place. Despite limitations of space there, many programs continued to be available to the Guests. A fundraising campaign to finance the complete renovation of the facility was initiated with a goal of $7,000,000 ($5M for renovations and
$2M for endowment). To date, the campaign has reached the $5.6M mark thanks to the donations and efforts of many corporate, community and church groups and individuals as well as municipal, provincial and federal governments. Eco-friendly and energy-efficient guidelines were adhered to in developing an accessible, safe and versatile facility.

Programs and Services

The programs and services of The Gathering Place returned to the totally renovated and enlarged space in September 2014. The re-designed facility better meets the needs of the Guests. Increased capacity for noon meal and breakfast programs accommodates the ever-increasing numbers of people who are in need of food. A laundry room has been added, and showering facilities will help those who experience restricted access to showers in their boarding houses. There are quiet spaces where guests can read, listen to music and think. An elevator makes all areas fully accessible. A clothing supply program provides shoes, clothing and household items. Volunteer seamstresses help guests with minor repairs and adjustments to clothing. Computers and computer training are available to allow guests to access many government services available online only. Education and training in health and wellness are offered. A mailroom gives guests a fixed address where they can receive correspondence. Programs such as art, jewellery-making and crafts not only develop creative talents but may be a source of a little pocket money for the artists and artisans.

Deep Gratitude

Deep gratitude is extended to the Presentation Sisters, the Sisters of Mercy, the Board of Directors, the Project Team, the Gift Team, the project manager, contractors, tradespersons and donors (government, corporate and personal) for making this venture possible. Special thanks go to the Guests who have been patient and understanding with the ongoing renovations and to the staff and volunteers who have continued to serve guests throughout these two years of transition.

We ask God’s blessing as we look forward to moving back to new space and enhanced programs. We pray that all involved will be energized and excited by the potential to make even greater things happen at The Gathering Place!

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Or call us at 1-709-753- 2351.

Mercy on Mission in Monsefu, Peru

Today, 1 November, marks 56 years (1961) since the Sisters of Mercy arrived in Monsefu, Peru to provide education for local children. We invited the Sisters to share with us from those beginnings and their present story…

Story of the Beginning of the Mission in Peru

In 1959, Pope John XX111 asked the Superior Generals of Religious Congregations and Bishops of the world to send missionaries to Latin America.  The church of Newfoundland, Canada was one of the first to respond to the call.

Bishop Patrick Skinner missioned Father Charles O’Neill Conroy from the Archdiocese of St John´s, Newfoundland, to the parish of Monsefu in the Diocese of Chiclayo, some 500 kilometers on the North coast of Peru.   He arrived in Monsefu for the first time on February 19, 1961.  The pueblo awaited with shouts of “Long live the Canadian Fathers” and “Long live Catholic Monsefu”.

It did not take Father Conroy long to see that there was a great need for a school which would provide education for the children of the poor families.  He immediately contacted The Sisters of Mercy in Newfoundland and in May 1961, Sisters Imelda Smith, Superior General, and Sister Dorothy Carroll arrived in Monsefu for a firsthand experience.  After much discernment it was decided that the Sisters would dedicate their full time to the desperate need for education in Monsefu.  On November 1, 1961 Sisters Mary Dorothy Carroll, Immacula O´Leary, Maura Mason, Marion Collins, Concepta Best and Gabriella Walsh arrived in Lima.  They made the first visit to Monsefu on November 7 and were royally welcomed with music, bands, and fireworks.  An article written on occasion of the Golden Jubilee in 2011 began with “On that day Light arrived to Monsefu¨

While the convent was in construction the Sisters had many moves: an apartment in the Hacienda Pomalca, Dominican Sisters in Lambayeque, apartment in Chiclayo. During this time they were mastering the Spanish language and visiting Monsefu where they finally moved to live in Dr Miguel Custodio’s house on March 11, 1962. A few weeks later in April they began daily Primary classes in a small chapel next to church with night classes for young men and women who had to work by day.

They moved into Our Lady of Mercy Convent, on February 25, 1963 which was blessed during Mass celebrated in chapel by the Bishop of Chiclayo. As true Sisters of Mercy they quickly moved out to the periphery of many small villages offering catechetical programs. Two sisters devoted themselves full time with the same  programs in other public primary schools in Monsefu. A dream came true in April, 1964 when Our Lady of Mercy School was opened next to the convent.

An unfortunate car accident occurred on March 1, 1966 taking the lives of Father Conroy, Sister Dorothy and Sister Aquin who had joined the Sisters eleven months before.

Another dream came true with the opening of High School Carlos O’Neill Conroy in April, 1967. The following year The Christian Brothers joined the Sisters in this school. Both schools were passed over to the State in 1974 and Sisters present then began a new pastoral ministry.

In March 17, 1988 Sisters Lily Ferro, Carmelita Power, Mildred Brennan and Alice Mackey vacated the larger convent in Monsefu and moved to a smaller and simpler house in Puerto Eten, a couple of kilometers away. There and in Cuidad Eten and Reque they continued their ministry. Further expansion occurred in 1993 to the mountainous region of Peru. On May 3, 1993 Sisters Lily, Verna Aucoin, and Rosa Cumpa established a second Mercy community in Ichocan in the sprawling Diocese of Cajamarca in the Andes.

Present Story in Peru…2017

Today there are eight Mercy Sisters – four Peruvians: Sisters Lily Ferrero Butters, Rosa Silva Cumpa, Alita Sanchez Sanchez, Rosali Vargas Mendoza and four Canadians: Sisters Marion Collins, Alice Mackey , Mildred Brennan, Veronica Aucoin. After ministering in Ichocan, Cajamarca for 22 years as Administrators of the Parish and working in religious education area and after prayerful discernment, Sisters Lily, Marion, Rosa, Veronica and Alita moved to the coast in February, 2015 to the town of Huarmey, Chimbote. There they work in the area of religious education but continue serving in the area of parish work in three shanty towns on the edge of the city of Huarmey.

Sisters Alice, Mildred, Alita and Rosali form the Community in Puerto Eten, Chiclayo. Their ministries are lived out with a special Pastoral Care of the sick, Diocesan and Parish formation with accompaniment of lay leaders in a base Christian Community who in turn form other base Christian communities. They are also engaged in education and accompaniment of women in arts and crafts, study and sharing social, political and ecological issues with lay community groups. Mildred frequently attends planning meetings of the Peruvian Mercy Formation team for discernment of Religious Vocation.

At the present moment Alita is studying Law in the Catholic University in Lima. Rosali is studying Initial Education in a Chiclayo University and presently has taken time from study for an intense preparation in Lima to make Perpetual Vows in 2018.

The Body Holds the Story

I wrote this poem to describe the journey of a girl who had been a victim of human trafficking

The body holds the story

Tag or word cloud human trafficking awareness day related in shape of hand or palm

Chapter 1: Birth Until 11 Years

a tiny bud so fresh so new
nurtured by sunbeams
watered by dew drops
rooted in soil rich and deep
blossomed in the garden
blew carefree in the wind
danced vibrantly amidst others
pulsating with life

chapter 2: ages 12 years-14 

but chaos and confusion penetrated the garden
climaxing in violence and upheaval
thrusting the bud into a place of fertile emptiness
the bud-
now plucked from its stem
torn and tossed by foreign elements
displaced from the warmth and security of her home
no longer aroused by sunbeams and dewdrops
no longer shaded from destructive forces
no longer tended by gentler spirits

perceived now as a prized trophy
lured and groomed into a heinous crime
one that wrenched through my body
tore through my soul
pierced through the chasms of my heart
and the body continued to hold the story…

Messages to: Margie Taylor rsm 

180 Years of Mercy Ministry in Newfoundland

180 years ago today, 3 June, three Sisters of Mercy from the Baggot Street Community —Francis Creedon, Ursula Frayne and Rose Lynch— arrived in St John’s to commence the Works of Mercy there.

This date marks both the establishment of the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland and of the first community of the Sisters of Mercy in the New World. Read more about those first Mercy Sisters (and the 57 young Irish women who went from Ireland to join the Newfoundland Congregation between 1842 and 1907) in the book “Standing on Their Shoulders” (PDF) by Charlotte Fitzpatrick rsm.

Among the ministries the Mercies in Newfoundland are engaged in today is The Gathering Place, established in 1994 as a joint project with the Presentation Sisters. This Centre is frequented by people who are displaced – those struggling with hunger, abuse, mental illness, physical disabilities and addiction, and is for many their only safe place to go. The programs and services are offered through a volunteer-driven operation by more than 2000 people committed to ‘building community, promoting equality and providing nurture and nourishment for those seeking respite from isolation and loneliness’.

Celebration of 100 Years of Compassionate Care: St Clare’s Mercy Hospital St John’s, NL

On Sunday, 22 May, 2022, St Clare’s Mercy Hospital, St John’s, NL, celebrated 100 years of ministry to the sick and vulnerable of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Established by the Sisters of Mercy, today Eastern Health continues our legacy of providing compassionate and caring healthcare services to the people of the province, delivered and supported by almost 500 dedicated staff and health-care professionals at St Clare’s.

“It is a privilege for me to give thanks on behalf of all Sisters of Mercy and our associates as we mark the 100th anniversary of St. Clare’s Mercy Hospital,” said Congregational Leader, Sister Diane Smyth. “I speak with gratitude for all those who shared their gifts, talents, time, expertise and love to ensure that every aspect of human life was cared for – body, mind and spirit. For 100 years St. Clare’s has stood proud of its history and heritage and its standards of excellence.”

Read the press release from Eastern Health to mark the occasion.

To mark the centenary, Eastern Health produced this video of the ritual of gratitude (54.23).

Opening of Greenhouse at The Gathering Place

On August 25, 2017 a number of people were part of the official opening of a brand new greenhouse at the Barnes Road garden of the Gathering Place.

Representatives of the Gathering Place, staff, volunteers and guests along with the President, teacher, students and parents of St. Bonaventure’s College, Presentation and Mercy Sisters, Archbishop Martin Currie and others watched as students cut the red, blue and gold ribbons.

The greenhouse and the raised bed gardens are part of a collaborative ecology and food project between St.Bonaventure’s College and the Gathering Place that will provide a teaching and learning environment as well as an array of health foods for the cafeterias of both facilities. Today the beds were lush with cabbage, kale, lettuce, zuchinni, peas, herbs and more yet to grow. Marigolds and sunflowers added some color to the garden whilediscouraging grubs and encouraging bees!

Thanks and appreciation was expressed to the teachers, parents and students involved in the building of thegreenhouse, to the summer students and Roger who build the raised beds that had been planted earlier in the summer and the stairway, and to the donors of soil, gravel, wood, plants.

After the cutting of the ribbons a beautiful chocolate cake decorated to look like a kitchen garden was served to those present.

Invitation: Become a ‘Doorkeeper of Mercy’ in the Year of Mercy.

Sisters of Mercy and partners-in-Mercy are invited ‘to be guardians of the Door of Mercy, keepers of the in-between place of Mercy’ in this coming year of Mercy (8 December 2015 – 20 November 2016).

‘Pope Francis says that, in this coming Year of Mercy, “the Holy Door will become a Door of Mercy through which anyone who enters will experience the love of God.” The logo for our Mercy International Reflection Process, unfolding during this Year, is centered on the red doors of Baggot Street. In a profoundly mystical way, these red doors connect all our doors of Mercy – in our convents and houses, in our places of ministry, in holy places around us, in Earth which nourishes us, in the cosmos which holds us in communion, and in the hearts of all Sisters of Mercy, Associates and Partners-in-Mercy…’

Doorkeepers of Mercy:       A4 Paper Size (PDF)                       US Letter Size (PDF)

‘El Papa Francisco dice que, en este Año de la Misericordia, «la Puerta Santa será una Puerta de la Misericordia, a través de la cual cualquiera que entre podrá experimentar el amor de Dios». El logotipo para nuestro proceso internacional de reflexión de misericordia, que se desarrollará durante este Año, se centra en las puertas rojas de la Calle Baggot. En una forma profundamente mística, estas puertas rojas conectan todas nuestras puertas de Misericordia – en nuestros conventos y casas, en nuestros sitios de ministerio, en lugares santos en derredor nuestro, en la Tierra que nos alimenta, en el cosmos que nos sostiene en comunión y en los corazones de todas las Hermanas de la Misericordia…’

Guardas de la Misericordia:    A4 Paper Size                                   US Letter Size

NB:This video and/or text are suggested for inclusion in the ‘Called to the Ministry of Mercy’ Ritual for Opening Doors of Mercy on (or around) 13 December. The Leader and Participants copy of the ritual in both English & Spanish, full colur & black and white are available for download here


Stella’s Circle Appreciates Sister Margie

On the night of April 27, 2015 Sister Margie arrived home to Mercy Convent from her regular meeting at Stella’s Circle with a bouquet of flowers and about a   dozen cards thanking her for her volunteer work with their Monday night group “Just Us”.


Some of the comments written on the cards sum up what her presence means to them.

  • Thank you for all your support, love and kindness… You have been there for the laughs and the tears
  • Your value and worth here at “Just Us” group is so precious, needed and appreciated
  • Thank you for all your blessings that you pass on to others
  • The work you do means so much to so many
  • Your spirit lifts me up and gives me hope
  • You are one of a kind and there’s no one like you or will ever be
  • Thanks for being here.  Your presence seems to bring some peace and calm
  • Thanks for all your warm words…  your devotion gives us all so much hope
  • Thank you for being here for me and taking time to listen and be a friend.
  • Here at “Just Us” we are so grateful to be blessed with such a special volunteer and lady.
Truly Margie is spreading Catherine’s charism and the Gospel message through her ministry.