Photos from the 21st General Chapter

Images from our 9 Chapter Days

Ms. Judith King facilates Chapter Service of Remembrance of Deceased
Sisters of Mercy
Chapter Day with Associates,
colleagues and friends
Archbishop Martin Currie enjoys a break
Interested and engaged sisters, associates and colleagues Sister Elizabeth Davis, newly elected leader,
greets Sisters at McAuley Convent
Banquet of Gratitude Welcome to our kitchen party!
Catherine (Mona) McAuley and her schola visited! Treated to a dance from Peruvian sisters
A visit from Marg and Stace (Alverna and Rosline) Eight Sisters in Peru missioned in Huarmey and
Pt. Eten
New Leadership Team – Sisters Betty, Diane,
Elizabeth and Eileen
Whole group including Cait Wims rsm and
Judith King
Congregation blesses newly elected team
member, Eileen Penney
Esther places candle in closing ritual of
21st General Chapter
Closing BBQ at McAuley Convent Chapter Planning Committees:
Coordinating Committee and Contemplative
Listening Committee

New Leadership Team – Sisters Betty Morrissey, Diane Smyth, Elizabeth Davis (Congregation Leader) and Eileen Penney

Messages to: Sisters of Mercy Newfoundland

21st General Chapter: Announcement

On July 21, 2017 Sister Elizabeth Davis, Congregational Leader, will open the 21st General Chapter of the Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland.

The theme and logo of the Chapter have been drawn forth from the engagement of many sisters, associates, colleagues and friends in the Mercy International Reflection Process of the past year.  Our previous engagement in the Year of Consecrated Life and the Jubilee Year of Mercy have served to establish a solid foundation.   Our Chapter theme Mercying into the future . . .Misericordiando hacia el futuro resonates with  our desire to experience a renewed sense of mercying in this new time leading us into Mercy Global Presence.  The logo faces us with a lively Mercy Cross leaping out of the doors at Baggot Street!

Ms. Judith King, Ireland, has been working with coordinating committees for the past year in planning for the Chapter.  The first two days of Chapter will be experienced in a spirit of contemplative listening, dialogue and presence. The following day associates and colleagues will join us to continue in a mode of contemplative listening with a focus on “mercying” in the context of mission, charism, ministry and community living.  By the end of the day we hope that we would further in creative and energizing ways the initiative and leadership of the Mercy International Reflection Process towards Mercy Global Presence in its dual focus on degradation of earth and the displacement of persons.  We will explore with associates and colleagues to discover how the Sisters of Mercy, in collaboration with them and others, might further such initiative.  In the next days, the chapter delegates will continue to focus on our congregation’s current reality and how we are called in the great movement of mercying now and into the future. We will explore ministry and community living in collaboration and partnerships with others and the way we will live this out in the next four years.  By the end of the week on July 28 the Chapter will hopefully have set clear directions for the future.

Another important part of our Chapter is the election of a new leadership team.   Members of the congregation have been praying and engaged in a discernment process for leadership.  Four sisters will be elected to lead us during the next four years.

Complementing the contemplative aspect of the Chapter and important business there will be plenty of time for celebration, prayer, fun and food.  We have much to celebrate especially in this 175th year of our foundation in Newfoundland.  We have jubilarians celebrating 25, 50 and 60 years; we and relatives of our deceased sisters will remember our deceased members in a ritual in our cemetery; we have invited the general public to pray with us in a Eucharistic celebration followed by  refreshments and gathering; we will have a grand banquet where we express gratitude to the team members of the past four years. We will also have a “kitchen party” that is sure to be entertaining and light-hearted featuring the hidden talents of our members.  We will conclude our Chapter with a barbecue hosted at McAuley Convent in presence of our elderly and sick sisters..

We invite our Mercy friends and others around the world to join with us these days in prayer and support.  We are grateful for the energy and effort of so many with whom we share “Mercy”.

Messages to: Elizabeth Marrie rsm


Preparing for Chapter 2017

The Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland are preparing for their Chapter to be held July 21 – 28, 2017.

The theme of their Chapter is Mercying Into the future…Misericordiando hacia el futuro

They invite sisters, associates and colleagues to join with them and pray with them as they prepare.

As part of their preparation and to deepen their appreciation of contemplative listening and dialogue they are using a video prepared by Judith King, their Chapter facilitator.

The video was produced by videographer, Ruaidhri Nolan, Dublin of in January of this year.

Messages to: Sisters of Mercy Newfoundland

20th General Chapter

The Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland celebrated their 20th General Chapter, June 16 – 21, 2013.  The Chapter, titled Tending the Fire of God’s Mercy, was declared “Open” by Congregational Leader, Sister Elizabeth Davis on Sunday evening.  There were almost 200 present in the Corpus Christi parish hall, among whom were about 80 Sisters, as well as Associates of the sisters, and colleagues and friends. The sisters of the two communities in Peru were in attendance.  Earlier that afternoon a prayer of remembrance was held in the Sisters’ Cemetery at Belvedere and also at McAuley Convent where the sick and infirm sisters reside. Relatives of the deceased sisters were present for the prayer. 

The same large group came together on Monday to reflect on where the Mercy of God is experienced and where it is needed.  Ms. Judith King of Donegal, Ireland was the Chapter facilitator and guided the group through the proceedings of the day.  In the evening the Archbishop of St. John’s, Martin Currie, presided at the celebration of the Eucharist.  The next day the sisters gathered to continue their reflection and discussion and to build on the work of the previous day.  On Thursday the Chapter of Election took place and the sisters elected four of their members who would lead them for the next four years.  The leadership team for 2013 – 2017 will be Sisters Elizabeth Davis (Leader), Sheila O’Dea, Elizabeth Marrie, Diane Smyth.  Friday was the last day of the Chapter and the session ended at noon. 

The reflections and conversations over these days provide guidance for the direction that the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland will take over the next four years. The 20th General Chapter was one of prayer, reflection, discussion, visioning and celebration.  Fun and humor also found a place in the days and evenings, especially a very well planned and fun-filled “kitchen party”.  A good cup of tea was always part of the day-to day events!