Holocaust Remembrance Day, 17 April

Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, commemorates the six million Jews and millions of others killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust (Shoah).

The internationally- recognized date of this day of remembrance corresponds to the 27th day of Nisan in the Hebrew calendar, which this year falls on April 17th.   The date was chosen to mark the beginning of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, a 1943 act of Jewish resistance which was crushed by the German army. This day is observed by Jewish communities and individuals worldwide.

On this solemn day of remembrance let us remember the victims of the Holocaust and all who suffer and die from hateful discrimination, violence and war.

The Holocaust Center for Humanity suggests a number of ways to honor Holocaust remembrance day including lighting a virtual memorial candle to remember one of the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust.

You can light a virtual candle here

Yom Hashoah, Día de Conmemoración del Holocausto, conmemora los seis millones de judíos y otros millones de personas asesinadas por los nazis durante el Holocausto (Shoah).

La fecha internacionalmente reconocida de este día de conmemoración corresponde al 27 de Nisán del calendario hebreo, que este año cae el 17 de abril. La fecha se eligió para conmemorar el comienzo del Levantamiento del Gueto de Varsovia, un acto de resistencia judía de 1943 que fue aplastado por el ejército alemán. Las comunidades judías y los individuos de todo el mundo celebran este día.

En este solemne día de conmemoración recordemos a las víctimas del Holocausto y a todos los que sufren y mueren a causa de la odiosa discriminación, la violencia y la guerra.

El Centro del Holocausto para la Humanidad sugiere varias formas de honrar el Día de Conmemoración del Holocausto, entre ellas encender una vela conmemorativa virtual para recordar a uno de los seis millones de judíos asesinados en el Holocausto.

Puede encender una vela virtual aquí


75th Anniversary of Foundation in Marystown (Newfoundland)

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of Holy Name of Mary Convent in Marystown, Newfoundland.

On September 29, 2002, the Sacred Heart Parish, Marystown held a celebration to mark the anniversary. The event began with a celebration of the Eucharistic Liturgy during which Father Ray Earle, pastor, paid tribute to the Sisters of Mercy for seventy-five years of ministry in the parish and community. He, and the president of the Parish Council, acknowledged, in particular, their contribution to youth through their service in the schools and their presence in the wider community as well. The mayor of the town, Mr. Samuel Synard presented the sisters with a plaque on which was the image of Catherine McAuley and an expression of appreciation.

Afterwards, a reception was held in the parish room during which the parishioners had the opportunity to come and express their personal congratulations and best wishes. It gave the sisters the chance to meet so many of their former students, many of whom are now leaders in both church and community. Later in the evening the sisters were invited to the parish hall for a dinner during which more words of appreciation were expressed.

Este año se celebra el 75 aniversario de la fundación del Convento del Santo Nombre de María en Marystown, Terranova.

El 29 de septiembre de 2002, la parroquia del Sagrado Corazón de Marystown organizó una celebración para conmemorar el aniversario. El acto comenzó con una celebración de la Liturgia Eucarística durante la cual el Padre Ray Earle, párroco, rindió homenaje a las Hermanas de la Misericordia por sus setenta y cinco años de ministerio en la parroquia y en la comunidad. Tanto él como el presidente del Consejo Parroquial reconocieron, en particular, su contribución a la juventud a través de su servicio en las escuelas y su presencia también en la comunidad en general. El alcalde de la ciudad, Samuel Synard, entregó a las hermanas una placa con la imagen de Catherine McAuley y una expresión de agradecimiento.

Posteriormente, se celebró una recepción en la sala parroquial durante la cual los feligreses tuvieron la oportunidad de acudir y expresar sus felicitaciones personales y sus mejores deseos. Las hermanas tuvieron la oportunidad de conocer a muchas de sus antiguas alumnas, muchas de las cuales son ahora líderes tanto en la iglesia como en la comunidad. Más tarde, por la noche, las hermanas fueron invitadas a una cena en el salón parroquial, durante la cual se expresaron más palabras de agradecimiento.

Earth Day 2023 Theme: “Invest in Our Planet”

The theme for Earth Day 2023 (22 April) is “Invest in Our Planet.” The theme is focused on engaging governments, institutions, businesses, and the more than 1 billion citizens who participate annually in Earth Day to do their part – everyone accounted for, everyone accountable.

“In 2023 we must come together again in partnership for the planet. Businesses, governments, and civil society are equally responsible for taking action against the climate crisis and lighting the spark to accelerate change towards a green, prosperous, and equitable future. We must join together in our fight for the green revolution, and for the health of future generations. The time is now to Invest In Our Planet,” said Kathleen Rogers, President of Earthday.org

El lema del Día de la Tierra 2023 (22 de abril) es “Invertir en nuestro planeta”. El tema se centra en lograr que los gobiernos, las instituciones, las empresas y los más de mil millones de ciudadanos que participan anualmente en el Día de la Tierra pongan de su parte: todos rinden cuentas, todos son responsables.

“En 2023 debemos unirnos de nuevo en una alianza por el planeta. Las empresas, los gobiernos y la sociedad civil son igualmente responsables de tomar medidas contra la crisis climática y encender la chispa para acelerar el cambio hacia un futuro verde, próspero y equitativo. Debemos unirnos en nuestra lucha por la revolución verde y por la salud de las generaciones futuras. Ha llegado el momento de invertir en nuestro planeta”, ha declarado Kathleen Rogers, Presidenta de Earthday.org.

World Health Day, 7 April

World Health Day is a global health awareness day, celebrated each year on April 7, sponsored mainly by The World Health Organization (WHO).

2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of WHO. World Health Day provides an opportunity to look back at public health successes that have improved the quality of life for people over the past seven decades. It also aims to motivate governments and institutions to take action regarding the many health challenges nations face todaand into the future.

The theme for this year’s World Health Day is Health For All.

In his message for World Day of the Sick, 11 February 2023, Pope Francis said:

“These past years of the pandemic have increased our sense of gratitude for those who work each day in the fields of healthcare and research. Yet it is not enough to emerge from such an immense collective tragedy simply by honouring heroes. Covid-19 has strained the great networks of expertise and solidarity, and has exposed the structural limits of existing public welfare systems.  Gratitude, then, needs to be matched by actively seeking, in every country, strategies and resources in order to guarantee each person’s fundamental right to basic and decent healthcare.”

May governments and health systems be motivated to guarantee the healthcare that all of us need.

La Giornata mondiale della salute è una giornata di sensibilizzazione sulla salute globale, celebrata ogni anno il 7 aprile e promossa principalmente dall’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS).

Nel 2023 ricorre il 75° anniversario della fondazione dell’OMS. La Giornata mondiale della salute offre l’opportunità di ripercorrere i successi della sanità pubblica che hanno migliorato la qualità della vita delle persone negli ultimi sette decenni. Inoltre, mira a motivare i governi e le istituzioni ad agire per affrontare le numerose sfide sanitarie che le nazioni si trovano ad affrontare per il futuro.

Il tema della Giornata mondiale della salute di quest’anno è Salute per tutti.

Nel suo messaggio per la Giornata mondiale del malato, l’11 febbraio 2023, Papa Francesco ha detto:

“Questi ultimi anni di pandemia hanno aumentato il nostro senso di gratitudine per coloro che lavorano ogni giorno nei campi della sanità e della ricerca. Tuttavia, non è sufficiente uscire da una così immensa tragedia collettiva semplicemente onorando gli eroi. Il virus Covid-19 ha messo a dura prova le grandi reti di competenza e solidarietà e ha messo a nudo i limiti strutturali dei sistemi di assistenza pubblica esistenti. La gratitudine, quindi, deve essere accompagnata dalla ricerca attiva, in ogni Paese, di strategie e risorse per garantire il diritto fondamentale di ogni persona a un’assistenza sanitaria di base e dignitosa”.

Che i governi e i sistemi sanitari siano motivati a garantire l’assistenza sanitaria di cui tutti abbiamo bisogno.

International Day of Zero Waste, 31 March

The International Day of Zero Waste aims to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns.

A zero-waste approach entails responsible production, consumption and disposal of products in a closed, circular system. This means that resources are reused or recovered as much as possible and that we minimize the pollution to air, land or water.

Achieving zero waste requires action from individuals, communities, organisations and governments.

We can all have an impact in enabling zero waste by changing habits and reusing and repairing products as much as possible before properly disposing of them.

What contribution can you make?

El Día Internacional de Residuo Cero tiene como objetivo promover modelos de consumo y producción sostenibles.

Un planteamiento de residuo cero implica una producción, consumo y eliminación responsables de los productos en un sistema cerrado y circular. Esto significa que los recursos se reutilizan o recuperan en la medida de lo posible y que reducimos al mínimo la contaminación del aire, la tierra o el agua.

Conseguir cero residuos requiere la acción de individuos, comunidades, organizaciones y gobiernos.

Todos podemos influir en la consecución de cero residuos cambiando hábitos y reutilizando y reparando los productos en la medida de lo posible antes de desecharlos correctamente.

¿Qué puedes hacer tú?




Can an Hour Change the World?

It’s 48 hours to Earth Hour!

Join the Sisters of Mercy Newfoundland and people in 190 countries and territories for #EarthHour on 25th March at 8:30 pm local time by switching off and spending 60 minutes doing something positive for our planet.

¡Falta una semana para la Hora del Planeta!

Únete a las Hermanas de la Misericordia de Terranova y a personas de 190 países y territorios en la #HoraDeLaTierra el 25 de marzo a las 20:30 hora local, apagando y dedicando 60 minutos a hacer algo positivo por nuestro planeta.

World Water Day, 22 March

World Water Day is the annual UN observance highlighting the human right of all people to fresh water. Currently, 2.1 billion people live without safe water at home, putting them at risk of illness and disease.

This year’s World Water Day is about accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis that many parts of the world are experiencing. Goal 6 of the Sustainable Development Goals aims to “ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.” Access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene is the most basic human need for health and well-being. Currently we are far from meeting Sustainable Goal 6: water and sanitation for all earth’s inhabitants by 2030.

This year’s global campaign, Be the Change encourages all of us to take action to change the way we use and manage water. The UN 2023 Water Conference being held in New York from March 22 -24 will provide an opportunity to bring together world leaders to accelerate action for water. However, all of us can play a part in the solution. Let us pray for the success of this conference and take whatever concrete actions we can to live more sustainably by monitoring our use of water and by becoming more aware of our consumption patterns.

Our congregation has signed on to the Water Justice Manifesto organised by
The People’s Water Forum. Below are English and Spanish links to the Manifesto:




St Patrick’s Day, 17 March

On this St. Patrick’s Day, we send greetings to Irish Sisters of Mercy, Associates, Partners in Ministry and Friends of Mercy all over the world and to all Sisters of Mercyand the extended Mercy Family, who can claim Celtic roots through our foundress, Catherine McAuley.

Guímís Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig ar Shiúracha na Trócaire ar fud an domhain ar Lá Fhéile Naomh Pádraig. Guímís sonas agus sláinte orthu siúd atá as baile as Éirinn agus orthu siúd ar fad a mhaíonn fréamhacha ceilteacha trénár mbunaitheoir, Catherine McAuley.

En este Día de San Patricio, enviamos saludos a las Hermanas de la Misericordia irlandesas, Asociados, Colaboradores en el Ministerio y Amigos de la Misericordia en todo el mundo y a todas las Hermanas de la Misericordia y la Familia de la Misericordia ampliada, que pueden reclamar raíces celtas a través de nuestra fundadora, Catalina McAuley.

Learn more about St Patrick, one of the patron saints of the Sisters of Mercy, in this clip from the film Celtic Pilgrimage (10.55)

“As we commemorate Saint Patrick’s legacy, guide and patron, whose life embodied the values of a shared, generous sense of humanity, let us do so by mustering the courage to recover the best instincts of our humanity, have the mettle to face those who resist such instincts, reaffirm and strengthen our commitment to advocating the principles that informed Patrick’s life, calling us as they do to embrace our role as global citizens, extending a hand of support to all those in need with whom we share this planet, respond with hospitality and kindness to those fleeing the ravages of hunger, conflict and climate change, thus bringing into reality our taking responsibility to work with fellow citizens for a more just and inclusive world.”

-Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland
St Patrick’s Day Message 2023

“Al conmemorar el legado de San Patricio, guía y patrón, cuya vida encarnó los valores de un sentido compartido y generoso de la humanidad, hagámoslo reuniendo el valor para recuperar los mejores instintos de nuestra humanidad, tener el temple para enfrentarnos a quienes se resisten a tales instintos, reafirmar y reforzar nuestro compromiso de defender los principios que informaron la vida de Patricio, llamándonos como ellos a abrazar nuestro papel de ciudadanos del mundo, tendiendo una mano de apoyo a todos los necesitados con los que compartimos este planeta, respondiendo con hospitalidad y amabilidad a quienes huyen de los estragos del hambre, los conflictos y el cambio climático, haciendo así realidad nuestra responsabilidad asumida de trabajar con nuestros conciudadanos por un mundo más justo e inclusivo.”

Michael D. Higgins, Presidente de Irlanda
Mensaje del Día de San Patricio 2023


International Women’s Day, 8 March

International Women’s Day is  celebrated annually as a focal point in the Women’s Rights Movement to bring attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights and violence and abuse against women.

It is also a time to recognize and celebrate the social, cultural, economic and political achievements of women and girls in all parts of the world.

The International Women’s Day campaign theme for this year is Embrace Equity. When we embrace equity, we embrace diversity and we also embrace inclusion. Equity means creating an inclusive world for all.  We all need to challenge gender stereotypes,call out discrimination, draw attention to bias, and work for inclusion.

The Government of Canada has chosen Every Woman Counts as Canada’s theme for this year, a reminder that women from all walks of life and all ages have a place in very aspect of Canadian life and society.

El Día Internacional de la Mujer se celebra anualmente como punto central del Movimiento por los Derechos de la Mujer para llamar la atención sobre cuestiones como la igualdad de género, los derechos reproductivos y la violencia y los abusos contra las mujeres.

También es un momento para reconocer y celebrar los logros sociales, culturales, económicos y políticos de mujeres y niñas de todo el mundo.

El lema de la campaña del Día Internacional de la Mujer de este año es Abraza la equidad. Cuando abrazamos la equidad, abrazamos la diversidad y también abrazamos la inclusión. Equidad significa crear un mundo inclusivo para todos.  Todos debemos cuestionar los estereotipos de género, denunciar la discriminación, llamar la atención sobre los prejuicios y trabajar por la inclusión.

El Gobierno de Canadá ha elegido Todas las mujeres cuentan como lema de Canadá para este año, un recordatorio de que las mujeres de todas las profesiones y condiciones sociales y de todas las edades tienen un lugar en todos los aspectos de la vida y la sociedad canadienses.


Earth Hour: Give an Hour for Earth on 25 March

Earth Hour this year is on 25 March, at 8:30 pm your local time.

The world is  on course to breach by 2030 the 1.5°C global temperature increase limit set by the Paris Climate Agreement, and nature – the source of our very livelihoods and one of our biggest allies against the climate crisis – is also under severe threat,  facing alarming and unprecedented rates of loss globally.

The next 7 years are therefore crucial to all our futures – we have to stay under the 1.5°C climate threshold to avoid irreversible damage to our planet, and we need to reverse nature loss by 2030, ending the decade with more nature and biodiversity than we started, not less.  To make this happen, individuals, communities, businesses, and governments must all urgently step up their efforts to protect and restore our one home.

With this 2030 goal in mind, we too must step things up. Take your part:

Give an hour for Earth on 25 March by spending 60 minutes doing something – anything – positive for our planet