Pope’s October Prayer Intention: “For a Church Open to Everyone”

In his prayer intention for October, Pope Francis invites the members of the Church to listen to each other in their diversity and to open the doors to those who are outside.

We pray for the Church; ever faithful to, and courageous in preaching the Gospel, may the Church be a community of solidarity, fraternity and welcome, always living in an atmosphere of synodality.

Post your prayer intention here in our online chapel

More about Synodality


“The Letter: a message for our earth”: Watch this Film Online

In 2015, Pope Francis wrote Laudato Si’ , his encyclical letter about the environmental crisis to every single person in the world.

Now, four voices  from Senegal, the Amazon, India, and Hawai’i,  bring perspective and solutions from the poor, the indigenous, the youth, and wildlife into a conversation with Pope Francis himself.

This 80 minute documentary follows their journey to Rome and the extraordinary experiences that took place there, and is packed with powerfully moving personal stories alongside the latest information about the planetary crisis and the toll it’s taking on nature and people.

Watch it here.

En 2015, el Papa Francisco escribió Laudato Si’ , su carta encíclica sobre la crisis medioambiental dirigida a todas las personas del mundo.

Ahora, cuatro voces de Senegal, el Amazonas, la India y Hawái aportan la perspectiva y las soluciones de los pobres, los indígenas, los jóvenes y la vida silvestre en una conversación con el propio Papa Francisco.

Este documental de 80 minutos sigue su viaje a Roma y las extraordinarias experiencias que allí tuvieron lugar, y está repleto de historias personales poderosamente conmovedoras junto con la información más reciente sobre la crisis planetaria y los estragos que está causando en la naturaleza y las personas.

Véalo aquí.

The film was launched on 4 October, the Feast of St Francis, the date that closes the Season of Creation and
the same day as the Holy See’s official entry into the landmark Paris agreement on climate change.

Learn more about the film and how you can take action at https://TheLetterFilm.org

La película se presentó el 4 de octubre, fiesta de San Francisco, fecha que cierra el Tiempo de la Creación y
el mismo día de la entrada oficial de la Santa Sede en el histórico acuerdo de París sobre el cambio climático.

Más información sobre la película y sobre cómo actuar en https://TheLetterFilm.org

Papal Visit to Canada, July 24 – 29

Pope Francis is scheduled to travel to Edmonton, Quebec City and Iqaluit next week to meet members of Canadian indigenous groups, residential school abuse survivors and Catholics.

Logo of Pope Francis’ penitential pilgrimage

In an address at Vatican City on Sunday, July 17, Pope Francis said that he sees this visit as a “penitential pilgrimage” which he hopes will contribute to the journey of healing and reconciliation that has already begun.

This is a very significant moment in our history.

Join us in prayer for Pope Francis and for all the individuals and groups with whom he will be meeting during these days.

Ways to view the papal events include the following:

Salt & Light Catholic Media Foundation has a dedicated site for information and broadcast details for the papal visit –
https://slmedia.org/popeincanada (English) or https://slmedia.org/fr/papeaucanada (French). The network will air all public events.

Livestream links– papalvisit.ca and www.visitepapale.ca will provide links to a number of livestreams for papal events, broadcast in more than 10 languages, including many Indigenous languages, as well as sign languages. Visitors will also be able to access feeds from Vatican TV that include commentary in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and German.

Novalis has produced a digital resource that includes texts for all the liturgies presided by Pope Francis, prayers as well as reflections on the significance of the Papal Visit. To download the resource, visit: ca (English) or prionseneglise.ca (French)

In Memory of Padre Victor

On September 29, 2010 Feast of the Archangels Michael, Raphael and Gabriel and birthday of Venerable Catherine McAuley, Padre Victor was buried in the garden of his parish church in Reque, Peru.

Three days earlier, after weeks of serious illness and hospitalization, Padre Victor made his final life’s journey surrounded by loving prayer, song and attentiveness, hope and patient waiting of his people. Victor was much loved. He dedicated his life to being the padre to his parishioners and their families. He loved his life, his faith and his church and his God. He lived the joy of the gospel and stood strong in the face of injustice- he was fierce advocate for his people and cared not only for their souls but also for their dignity and rights. Padre Victor was a strong man yet sickness was stronger and defeated him, in body, but not in spirit nor in the legacy that he leaves to those who knew him. Padre Victor will not be forgotten.

Padres Emigido and Lucho have shared so much of life with Victor from their young days. The three were lovingly known as the three amigos. In speaking of Victor throughout the days before the funeral they stressed over and over his gift of love of life, his “Alegria” which he passed on to all, his total dedication to the people especially the “más pobres”, his untiring service not only to his parish, but nationally, to the whole diocese. There was lots of great singing led by Reque Parish choir, lots of clapping in the midst of the reflection, etc.

The funeral was an especially blessed moment. There were crowds in the thousands in the plaza where the funeral took place. The altar was set in the door of the church facing the plaza. The Bishop officiated with fifty-two priests attending. Among the priests were Eugene Roy from Ontario and Jose Alverez Calderon, a great liberation Theologian based in Lima. There was extensive lay participation in the Mass. After Mass, the body of Padre Victor was brought in procession around the plaza with a special ceremony in front of the Municipal building. His body was then taken to the garden in front of the church where Victor is now buried. There is a small plaque marking his burial place, but a bigger monument is being planned for. Words used to describe Victor were “the saint of Reque,” “our joyful, happy saint in heaven,” and “the alma (spirit) of catechesis familiar. ”Victor was known and loved by many Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland and by some of the priests who worked with him in Peru. He is sorely missed.

Tu nos has muerto; viveras en nuestros corozones y te recordaremos


Pope’s July Prayer Intention: ‘For the elderly’

Pope Francis has dedicated the month of July to prayer for the Elderly of our world, and urges everyone to pray for the elderly “who represent the roots and memory of a people” so that they may be “teachers of tenderness”.

Let us hold in our prayers the elderly among us, those elderly who are known to us, the elderly residents of St Patrick’s Mercy Home and the many elderly people who find themselves in living in poverty and loneliness and who are often exploited by those closest to them.

Post your prayer intention here in our online chapel

Join the Mercy World in Prayer on the Second Anniversary of Laudato Si’

To mark the second anniversary of the release by Pope Francis of his encyclical letter Laudato Si’, Sisters of Mercy across the globe have committed to 9 Days of Prayer and reflection using the Prayer for our Earth.

The 9 Days of Prayer will commence on Saturday, 10 June and conclude on Sunday 18 June, the actual anniversary of the document’s release. It is one outcome of the Mercy International Reflection Process where we listened attentively to ‘the cry of Earth and the cry of the Poor’.

Resources for the 9 Days of Prayer include:

a reflective logo

the prayer sheet

a poster

reflection pages with additional resources for each of the 9 Days.


Access all the resources here and join us in prayer for Earth and the Earth community.

Human Solidarity: June Prayer Intention of Pope Francis

We are all invited to join with Pope Francis and his worldwide prayer network in praying this month’s intention: Human Solidarity.

‘That the aged, marginalized, and those who have no one may find–even within the huge cities of the world–opportunities for encounter and solidarity.’


Forthcoming Papal Prayer Intentions:

Pope Francis’ remaining prayer intentions for 2016 will include: greater respect for  indigenous peoples; helping sports contribute to peace; encouraging journalists to respect truth and be more ethical; greater support for countries that take in refugees; and an end to the use of child soldiers.

Pope’s Intentions for 2016

Post your prayer in the Baggot Street Chapel

Mercy Pilgrimage to Rome 1-4 April 2016

The Spirit of Mercy and Hospitality

The “Rome” component of the Year of Mercy pilgrimage for Sisters of Mercy, Associates and Partners in Ministry began Friday evening, April 1, with the sharing of a meal together in an Italian restaurant near St. Peter’s Square.   The 39 pilgrims from around the world had settled into their accommodations in various residences near the square and enjoyed this first gathering of the whole group.

The next day they gathered early in the morning to walk the pilgrims’ way to St. Peter’s Basilica with prayer and reflection at significant stops along the way.  They gathered again in the early afternoon to get a good seat for the vigil of Divine Mercy at which the Pope presided.  Thousands of participants were able to listen to the testamonials, enjoy interpretative dance and join in the prayer and song of the ritual which was based on five moments of readings, prayer, chanting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ErlZcAkIJU

Photos from L’Osservatore Romano

On Sunday the group met at 6:30 a.m. so that they could find a place to sit together for the Eucharistic liturgy that would begin at 10:30!  Getting beside the barricade was the best place to get close to Pope Francis when he goes out among the people!  The group was able to claim a few rows of chairs in the front center section. Because of this members of the group had a close of view of Pope Francis as he passed by in his jeep.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBGZl5KqvGw

Tea at Mater Dei

In the afternoon the group was invited to tea at Mater Dei, the house of the Poor Servants of the Mother of God in Piazza di Spagna.  Participants found their way to the convent where they enjoyed a good cup of tea!  Some said it was the best they had since coming to Italy.   (It takes the Irish to make a good cup of tea! – editor’s bias!)  The sisters were delighted that the Mercy contingent could come and welcomed all of them warmly.

This gathering was a significant event because of the connection of the Mater Dei Sisters with Mercy.  Those who gathered had the opportunity to visit the special room that was used by the Foundress of the Poor Servants of the Mother of God when she was in Rome and which has a display of items used by her personally and for prayer and ministry.



Sister Francesca serves a good cup of tea

Brief Historical Background

Frances Margaret Taylor was born in 1832 in London, daughter of a Church of England minister. Seeking a way to express her deep faith, a faith that did not seem to be met in her own church, she joined the Roman Catholic Church and in subsequent years went on to found a religious order that would respond to the needs of the poor in London.  After detailed investigation of other religious orders and how they were responding to the cry of the poor and under advice if her spiritual mentors Fanny Taylor (a prolific writer by this time) founded the Poor Servants of the Mother of God in 1869.  She took the name Mary Magdalen of the Sacred Heart. September 24, Feast of Our Lady of Mercy, is held as the beginning of the new Congregation. (See biography and rich and detailed history written by Francis Charles Devas, sj.

One more significant historical connection with the Sisters of Mercy is that Miss Fanny Taylor nursed with Sisters of Mercy in the Crimea and credits her deepened faith and her vocation to their example and to the faith of the Irish Catholic soldiers that they nursed together. (Her book Irish Homes and Irish Hearts is on-line https://archive.org/details/irishhomesirishh00tayl ). Another of her books published in 1862 devotes a chapter to the Sisters of Mercy beginning on page 210 https://archive.org/details/ReligiousOrders .  Other books are linked here: Taylor, Mary Magdalen, 1832-1900.

This Mercy Sunday was indeed special as bread was broken in St. Peter’s Square in the morning with Pope Francis presiding and a “good cup of tea” was shared with kindred ‘mercy’ folks in the afternoon.

God’s mercy and God’s sense of unity work in mysterious ways!

Closing Ritual

On Monday morning the Mercy pilgrims met in the small and beautiful church of Santa Prudenziana which is one of the oldest churches in Rome.  There is found the large painted image of Mary, Mother of Mercy in one of the side altars.  A copy of this image of Marywas sent to  the House of Mercy at Baggot Street by Pope Leo Xlll in 1890 and still hangs in the chapel there.  The group gathered before the image to pray in gratitude for the needs of the world and commited themselves to be guardians of the doors of Mercy to those in need.  the group sang the sucipe in English and Spanish.  The group from Aotearoa New Zealand sang a beautiful hymn in Maori language. The pilgrims sang the Hail Holy Queen and extended to each other an Irish Blessing.

This gathering marked the formal end of the Mercy pilgrimage.


Sincere gratitude is extended to Mary Reynolds rsm for having facilitated the details and format of the pilgrimage.  Gratitude is offered to those who led the components of the preparation and orientation of the pilgrims at Mercy International Centre before they left for Rome.  Thanks are given to Brenda Dolphin rsm who collaborated with Mary and others to ensure that the local logistics in Rome were in place- accommodations, the gathering meal, transportation, etc.  Deep gratitude is offered to the Mercy congregations and facilities who supported and encouraged the piligmage and the pilgrims.  It was a world-wide Mercy event that will not be easily forgotten and that will bring many blessings to the Mercy world.

Contact: dsmyth@sistersofmercynf.org