April Associates Newsletter Now Online

Kitty’s Chronicle” is a monthly newsletter distributed to all Mercy Associates. Each month the latest  issue is posted online in the Associates section of our website. The newsletter contains news and views, requests for prayers and material for reflection.

The April issue is now available.  Prayers for the Sick, Resources from the Wisdom Circles, Items of Interest, Important Dates, Information about Catherine McAuley are among the many topics covered in our latest issue.

Visit the Associates section of our website to find out about Becoming an Associate and the Associate Program



New Associates in Marystown

Associates in Mercy


” In Mercy, as Associates

We’re drawn into the circle.

In Mercy, our hearts are lifted

In the peace of God.

In Mercy, we learn to walk in

Catherine’s daring footsteps.

In Mercy, we strive to be

The face of hope for all.”


(Sara Sexton, Mercy Associate)

On May 21, 2012, praying in song and ritual, the Associates of Marystown welcomed four new members into their Circle of Mercy.  Sister Elizabeth Marrie, on behalf of the Leadership of the Sisters of Mercy, received the commitment of Donalda Cheeke, Annette Deveau, Hanna Lambe and Elizabeth Whelan. The new Associates received their Associate pins, Certificates and Mercy Associate candles and were warmly embraced by their Associate friends and their facilitator, Sister Theresa March. 

In her opening address to the Associates, Sister Maureen O’Keefe noted that in 1993 the Marystown Associates under the leadership of Sister Margaret Pittman, were one of the first two groups to accept the invitation of the Sisters of Mercy to explore an Associate Relationship with the Mercy Congregation.  Like the first four sisters on the Marystown foundation in 1927, the Associates too began as a group of four. And like the sisters before  them, they have witnessed additions and departures over the years.

Today,  the group of fourteen dynamic women with Sister Theresa as their mentor proudly carry on the Mercy tradition of love and service to one another, their community and beyond.  The depth of their commitment and the sincerity of their affection for one another was evident in the sharing of stories that occurred over our traditional “good cup of tea” and copious goodies.

May the spirit of our founders Catherine McAuley, Francis Creedon and Antonio Egan continue to live in our Marystown Associates.  And may they continue to enrich their community with the fruits of God’s loving Mercy.

Photograph l-r: Donalda Cheeke, Hannah Lambe, Elizabeth Marrie rsm, Bride Murphy and Annette Deveau.

Maureen O’Keefe, rsm


Three New Associates

 by Sister Maureen O’Keefe
In a spirit of Easter joy, the Conception Bay Associates and their facilitators – Sisters Ruth Beresford, Madeline Byrne and Josette Hutchings gathered on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 at Conception Harbour Renewal Centre to welcome three new members to their group.
Sister Elizabeth Davis, Congregation Leader and Sister Maureen O’Keefe, Associate Coordinator, were pleased to be present for the event. Sister Elizabeth received the commitment of Marina Brazil, Mary Moriarity and Theresa O’Neill and presented them with their Associate pins, certificates and candles. In her usual manner, Sister Elizabeth spoke to the Associates on the mutual enrichment of Mercy Charism that continues to grow through the collaboration of Mercy Sisters and Associates. She noted that in the beginning, Catherine McAuley and her first group of young women were really Associates of Mercy and only later evolved into the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy. In a sense, we have come full circle – a wider, richer circle. Using the intricate pattern of a small round doily from a nearby table, Elizabeth illustrated the web of interconnected relationships that our Mercy Associates bring to enhance the pattern of local and global Mercy all branching out from the core of Mercy Charism, as the doily grows outward from its centre.
To add to the beauty and depth of the meaning of Associate Relationship, Associate, Mary Taylor shared with us her reflections on being a Mercy Associate. A copy of her words is found in the main section of this website under the tab – Associates.

Three Associates Make Commitment


February 13, 2011

Article contributed by Sr. Maureen O’Keefe

On Sunday afternoon, February 13, 2011 Mercy Convent Chapel was the setting for a rich experience of how God continues to grace our Mercy Congregation. Pews and Prie-Dieu were filled to capacity with Sisters, Associates and family members, gathered to welcome new Associates into the Mercy Associate Relationship. In a beautiful Prayer/Ritual led by their facilitators, Sisters Margie Taylor and Madeline Byrne, three women – Mickie Pitcher, Marilyn Stack and Geraldine (Gerri) Stapleton made their commitment as Mercy Associates
Sister Elizabeth Davis, Congregation Leader, welcomed the new Associates, received their commitments and presented them with their Associate pins and Certificates. Husbands and other family members were present to participate in the ceremony and share in the joy of their loved ones as they entered upon another significant phase in their spiritual journey.
The sentiments of all Associates present were echoed in the words of Associate, Anna Kelly in her reflection, “What Being a Mercy Associate Means to Me.” Anna spoke of their Associate meetings as “ time for prayer, sharing, showing support and concern for each other, having time to develop new friendships and of course, enjoying a story and a few laughs as they share that ‘comfortable cup of tea’ at the end of the meeting.” She noted that each Associate brings to the group their own gifts and talents that enable them to companion with the Sisters of Mercy to carry on Catherine McAuley’s charism, to bring the Mercy of God to those in need. At the same time, Associates deepen their own Baptismal commitment to live more fully the values of the Gospel.
A spirit of joy and gratitude flowed from the chapel to the Fleming Room where friendship and fun were shared over the rim of that traditional tea cup!
Thousands of thanks and praises
To His Holy Name.

                                                  C. McAuley

Associate Groups Meet

A Gathering of Associates and the Religious

Who Journey with Them

St. John’s ,NL     Associates and Religious from the Redemptorist, Presentation and Mercy Congregations gathered at the Lantern on October 15-16, 2010 for their first joint Associate/Religious Conference. Three Associate members representing the Congregations of the Sisters of Charity, the Sisters of St. Martha of Nova Scotia and the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Halifax came also from Nova Scotia to participate in the conference.


The theme of the conference, “With Burning Hearts: Together for Mission”, set the tone and grew in intensity as the conference unfolded. At the opening session on Friday evening, Archbishop Martin Currie, Sister Sharon Fagan, Sister Elizabeth Davis and Father Stephen Morrisey greeted the gathering with words of inspiration, support and encouragement.


The conference presenters, Peg Maddigan and Ann Godfryd, both Associate members of the Congregation of Notre Dame did a magnificent job in facilitating exploration of the three main components in the Associate Relationship: Spirituality, Community and Mission. Through the process of Theological Reflection in the company of revered Scripture personages each phase of the Associate Relationship unfolded. 

Session one dealt with The Spirituality of Associate Relationship, with the sub-title “Like a fire burning in us…” from the Emmaus story. It was in the company of Mary and Cleopas as they journeyed to and from Jerusalem that Associates were led to examine their own stories. Allowing Jesus to reinterpret their stories as He had done for Mary and Cleopas, Associates found new insights and deeper meanings which they shared with one another in their groups.

Session two, Journeying Together: “Let me go with you…” (Ruth 1: 11-19) was the focus for the reflection on community. Answering the call to Associate Relationship can mean a real metamorphosis in one’s life – an experience of loss, change, on-going conversion and transformation. In examining the journey of Ruth and Naomi, Associates were asked to reflect and share on the questions, “Who has been like Ruth in my life, supporting me on my journey?” and “What strengths and vulnerabilities do I bring to my spiritual friendships?” 


Session three, Partners in Mission and Ministry : “they took him aside and explained…” (Acts 18:24-28). The story of Apollos, Priscilla and Aquila provided an excellent example of the different gifts that we all bring to mission and ministry and how these gifts complement each other. It is in the humble recognition of one’s gifts and in collaboration with others that the richness of the community is offered in service to the Mission of Jesus.


Throughout the conference the prayer, reflection and sharing of one session flowed with ease and growing depth of sharing into the next. The final session provided an opportunity for the Associates and Religious of each congregation to meet together to examine the questions: “What is working for us?” and “What needs to be developed?” These questions led to open and honest sharing resulting in some suggestions and challenges for life and growth.


The final step on the conference journey was to the Basilica for Liturgy. Associates were invited to share in the various ministries at Liturgy and as such were able to give further witness to their role as lay ministers. Archbishop Mart 

in Currie spoke in his homily of the Associate Relationship as a valuable lay movement sharing the charisms of their religious congregations for the Mission of Jesus in the Church.

All who participated in this first joint con

ference of NL Associates and Religious came “with burning hearts: together for mission” and left with vessels of rich fuel for feeding the flame. We express deep gratitude to those brave pioneers who set the sparks of Associate Relationship in our congregations and to those many Religious and Associates who have stirred the embers and nurtured the flame throughout the years. 

God is indeed doing a new thing among us. It is flaming forth  and we are open to perceive it.


Maureen O’Keefe

Coordinator of Mercy Associates


With Burning Hearts: Together For Mission

Congregation Welcomes Five New Associates

Recently our Congregation was blessed and inspired as we welcomed five more women into a Mercy Associate relationship.
On Sunday, December 13, 2009 in the presence of a large group of Associates and Sisters, Betty Pomroy and Margaret Hall made their commitment and received their pins and certificates of Mercy Associate membership from Sister Elizabeth Davis, Congregational Leader. The setting was the beautiful chapel of Mercy Convent, a space so appreciated and loved by all of our Associates over the years. The occasion provided an opportunity for all to mingle with the Sisters of Mercy Convent community, with the members of the Congregational Leadership Team and with other Associates who were present.

On Tuesday, February 16, 2010, Sue McDonald, Mary Taylor and Alice Whelan made their commitment as Mercy Associates in a moving ritual service in the chapel at Conception Harbour. Sister Elizabeth Marrie accepted the statement of commitment of the new Associates, presented their pins and certificates of membership and welcomed them on behalf of the Congregation.


Sister Betty Morrissey brought to light the life, vision and charism of Catherine McAuley as she shared her recent experiences at Baggot Street. Referring to the 2009 Chapter Proclamation, Sister Maureen O’Keefe remarked that the “growth of our Associate relationship could be seen as part of the ‘something new’ that God is doing in our midst. In these challenging times, Sisters and Associates of Mercy together are called to bring to fruition the commitments of our Proclamation – to deepen our relationships, enhance our ministries and strengthen our visible presence as instruments of God’s mercy in our world. The energy and dedication of new Associate members give renewed impetus to our efforts”.

At the conclusion of both ceremonies, all gathered for a sharing over our traditional ‘cup of tea’ and generous spread of treats to share stories and to enjoy each other’s company.