Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland and Labrador Celebrate the Tenth Anniversary of the Opening of Mercy International…

With many of our Mercy Associates, we came together on Sunday, August 29, 2006 to celebrate in our own way the tenth anniversary of the opening of Mercy International Centre.

With a renewed sense of gratitude we gathered in prayer , song, story-telling and remembering to look at the many ways we, as individuals, communities and as Congregation, have been enriched and nourished through our associations and experiences at the Centre and Association.

The celebration began with a musical selection by harpist, Deborah Clarke, and continued with a welcome by Sister Helen Harding. The reading of the poem, The Long Line, by Sisters Loretta Dower, provided us with a fitting way to begin a power point presentation where we saw the beginnings of Mercy International, starting with the conversation between Sisters Sebastian Cashen and Mary Trainer in 1987.

We then saw how we, ourselves, have been “drinking deeply from the well” of Mercy for the past ten years through retreat experiences (Walking with Catherine4, Multicultural, or Centered in Mercy), conferences (Formation, Leadership, Social Justice, Archivists), seniors’ visits, annual visits through a December 12 draw within our Congregation. As well, many of us have had the opportunity to work at the Centre either through short term volunteer or as a team member or to serve on either the Board of Directors of the Association or the Centre. We concluded our presentation with the singing of ‘Circle of Mercy’.

The celebration continued with a ‘comfortable cup of tea’ as we shared memories, enjoyed one another’s company and again expressed thanks for the wonderful blessing and gift of Mercy International. We were so pleased to have availed of the anniversary year to acknowledge our connections and associations with the Centre and to remember those who pursued the dream with such commitment and dedication.

Con muchos de nuestros Asociados de la Misericordia, nos reunimos el domingo 29 de agosto de 2006 para celebrar a nuestra manera el décimo aniversario de la apertura del Centro Internacional de la Misericordia.

Con un renovado sentido de gratitud nos reunimos en oración, cantando, contando historias y recordando las muchas maneras en que, como individuos, comunidades y Congregación, nos hemos enriquecido y nutrido a través de nuestras asociaciones y experiencias en el Centro y la Asociación.

La celebración comenzó con una selección musical de la arpista Deborah Clarke y continuó con la bienvenida de la Hermana Helen Harding. La lectura del poema, La Larga Línea, de las Hermanas Loretta Dower, nos proporcionó una manera apropiada de comenzar una presentación en power point donde vimos los comienzos de la Misericordia Internacional, comenzando con la conversación entre las Hermanas Sebastian Cashen y Mary Trainer en 1987.

Luego vimos cómo nosotras mismas hemos estado “bebiendo profundamente del pozo” de la Misericordia durante los últimos diez años a través de experiencias de retiro (Caminando con Catalina4, Multicultural, o Centradas en la Misericordia), conferencias (Formación, Liderazgo, Justicia Social, Archivistas), visitas de ancianas, visitas anuales a través de un sorteo el 12 de diciembre dentro de nuestra Congregación. Además, muchos de nosotros hemos tenido la oportunidad de trabajar en el Centro, ya sea como voluntarios a corto plazo o como miembros de un equipo, o de formar parte de la Junta Directiva de la Asociación o del Centro. Concluimos nuestra presentación con el canto del ‘Círculo de la Misericordia’.

La celebración continuó con una “cómoda taza de té” mientras compartíamos recuerdos, disfrutábamos de la compañía de los demás y volvíamos a dar las gracias por la maravillosa bendición y el regalo de Mercy International. Nos complace haber aprovechado el año del aniversario para reconocer nuestras conexiones y asociaciones con el Centro y recordar a quienes persiguieron el sueño con tanto compromiso y dedicación.


Newfoundland Sister of Mercy Honored

Recently Sister Kathrine Bellamy was honored for her dedicated and outstanding service to the Basilica-Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.

Sister Kathrine was one of two recipients of the Papal Honour of the Cross, Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, during the parish celebration of the Liturgy of the Eucharist on Sunday, September 10, 2006.

Before the presentation of the medal and the certificate by Archbishop O’Brien, it was noted that Sister Kathrine had been central to the music ministry of the Basilica-Cathedral, having served as music coordinator, choir director and organist for parish functions and parish liturgies for twenty-four years. Presently she continues to be organist for one of the weekend liturgies in the parish and uses her gifts and talents in the service of the Archdiocese and the parish by composing sacred music for liturgies. One of her recent compositions was that of music for the Proclamation of the 150th anniversary of the Cathedral celebrated in 2005.

Of particular mention, was her concern, care and ministry to the poor. In 1980 Sister Kathrine became director of Outreach to the Poor of the Basilica Parish, of which one division was the Family Care Centre. In 1994 she initiated an ecumenical endeavour, whereby two Roman Catholic and three Anglican parishes united in their efforts to form Emmaus House, an interdenominational Centre serving the poor of the area.

Following the Liturgy, a Reception was held in the Episcopal Library where the Hospitality Committee of the Basilica Parish served refreshments and many parishioners and Sisters of Mercy came to express gratitude and congratulations.

Recientemente, la Hermana Kathrine Bellamy fue honrada por su dedicado y destacado servicio a la Basílica-Catedral de San Juan Bautista, St. John’s, Terranova y Labrador.

Sister Kathrine fue una de las dos galardonadas con la condecoración papal de la Cruz, Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, durante la celebración parroquial de la Liturgia de la Eucaristía el domingo 10 de septiembre de 2006.

Antes de la entrega de la medalla y del certificado por parte del Arzobispo O’Brien, se señaló que la Hermana Kathrine había sido fundamental en el ministerio musical de la Basílica-Catedral, habiendo ejercido como coordinadora musical, directora del coro y organista de las funciones parroquiales y de las liturgias parroquiales durante veinticuatro años. Actualmente sigue siendo organista de una de las liturgias de fin de semana de la parroquia y utiliza sus dones y talentos al servicio de la Archidiócesis y de la parroquia componiendo música sacra para las liturgias. Una de sus composiciones más recientes fue la música para el Pregón del 150 aniversario de la Catedral, celebrado en 2005.

Mención especial merece su preocupación, cuidado y ministerio con los pobres. En 1980, la Hermana Kathrine se convirtió en directora de la Ayuda a los Pobres de la Parroquia de la Basílica, una de cuyas divisiones era el Centro de Atención Familiar. En 1994 inició un esfuerzo ecuménico, por el que dos parroquias católicas romanas y tres anglicanas unieron sus esfuerzos para formar Emmaus House, un centro interconfesional al servicio de los pobres de la zona.

Tras la Liturgia, se celebró una Recepción en la Biblioteca Episcopal donde el Comité de Hospitalidad de la Parroquia Basílica sirvió refrescos y muchos feligreses y Hermanas de la Misericordia acudieron a expresar su gratitud y felicitaciones.

2-day Seminar Millennium Development Goals in Newfoundland

The Sisters of Mercy Newfoundland held a 2-day seminar on October 27 and 28, 2006.

The focus of the event was the presentation of Millennium Development Goals, which were central to the 2-day event.

The presenter was Deirdre Mullan, Director of Mercy Global Concern at the UN

Reflecting on the Sisters of Mercy founded by Francis Creedon, Deirdre asked, what vision of Mercy did Francis carry here and what might she and the early women of Mercy want to say to us today?

Las Hermanas de la Misericordia de Terranova celebraron un seminario de 2 días los días 27 y 28 de octubre de 2006.

El tema central del evento fue la presentación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio.

La presentadora fue Deirdre Mullan, Directora de Mercy Global Concern en la ONU.

Reflexionando sobre las Hermanas de la Misericordia fundadas por Francisco Creedon, Deirdre preguntó: ¿qué visión de la Misericordia llevó Francisco hasta aquí y qué querrían decirnos hoy ella y las primeras mujeres de la Misericordia?

Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland Celebrate

“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior”, “Glory to God in the highest”, “Praise the Lord with the Sound of Trumpet” were the proclamations of the whole assembly as it gathered in praise and thanksgiving in the Basilica of St. John the Baptist on December 12, 2006 to celebrate the 175th anniversary of the founding of the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy.

It was indeed fitting that the Eucharistic Liturgy be held in the Basilica, the place of worship built by Bishop Michael Fleming. Bishop Fleming had visited Catherine McAuley a number of times and eventually invited her to establish a foundation in Newfoundland. Sister Helen Harding, Congregational Leader, warmly greeted and welcomed over three hundred associates, collaborators in ministry, family members and friends who joined us in celebration, noting that the Newfoundland foundation in St. John’s in 1842 was the first Mercy foundation outside the British Isles and the first in North America.

The Liturgy, celebrated in honour of Our Lady of Guadalupe, with Archbishop Brendan O’Brien as presider, was one of thanksgiving and celebration. The Glory to God in F Major, a composition of Sister Kathrine Bellamy, one of the Sisters in our Congregation, set a theme of praise and joy. We were pleased that the Presentation Sisters and Christian Brothers, whose foundress and founder, Nano Nagle and Edmund Rice, contemporaries of Catherine McAuley, could participate in the Liturgy of the Word. In his homily, Archbishop O’Brien noted that Catherine McAuley “demonstrated in her life a great trust in God’s Providence; she exhibited a deep reliance on God which could only have emerged from an extraordinary relationship which was nurtured over the years.” Following Holy Communion, the sisters led the Assembly in singing the beautiful Suscipe of Catherine McAuley as a reflection. After the celebration of the Liturgy, all were invited to join the sisters in a reception in St. Bonaventure’s College.

We were pleased to share our founding story and our celebration with others in a number of ways. During the week of December 12, the Congregation sponsored an ‘Open Door’, visits to two of its heritage sites, the chapel of Convent of Our Lady of Mercy, and the Heritage Centre at O’Connor Building. A narration of an abridged version of the life story of Catherine McAuley, based on Anne Reid’s composition, Daring to be Different, was broadcast on one of the local radio stations. Earlier, the Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland sponsored a nationally televised Mass from St. Michael’s Cathedral in Toronto on November 11, the anniversary of the death of Catherine McAuley.

The Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland consider the anniversary a graced moment, a time to look back to acknowledge and give thanks for the founding of the Sisters of Mercy and an opportunity to look forward to the celebration of the 175th anniversary of the Newfoundland foundation within the next decade.

“Mi alma proclama la grandeza del Señor, mi espíritu se regocija en Dios mi Salvador”, “Gloria a Dios en las alturas”, “Alabado sea el Señor con sonido de trompeta” fueron las proclamaciones de toda la asamblea mientras se reunía en alabanza y acción de gracias en la Basílica de San Juan Bautista el 12 de diciembre de 2006 para celebrar el 175 aniversario de la fundación de la Congregación de las Hermanas de la Misericordia.

Era muy apropiado que la Liturgia Eucarística se celebrara en la Basílica, el lugar de culto construido por el Obispo Michael Fleming. El Obispo Fleming había visitado a Catherine McAuley varias veces y finalmente la invitó a establecer una fundación en Terranova. La Hermana Helen Harding, Líder de la Congregación, saludó calurosamente y dio la bienvenida a más de trescientas asociadas, colaboradoras en el ministerio, familiares y amigos que se unieron a nosotras en la celebración, señalando que la fundación de Terranova en St. John’s en 1842 fue la primera fundación de la Misericordia fuera de las Islas Británicas y la primera en América del Norte.

La Liturgia, celebrada en honor de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, presidida por el Arzobispo Brendan O’Brien, fue un momento de acción de gracias y celebración. El Gloria a Dios en Fa Mayor, una composición de la Hermana Kathrine Bellamy, una de las Hermanas de nuestra Congregación, estableció un tema de alabanza y alegría. Nos alegramos de que las Hermanas de la Presentación y los Hermanos de las Escuelas Cristianas, cuya fundadora y fundador, Nano Nagle y Edmund Rice, contemporáneos de Catherine McAuley, pudieran participar en la Liturgia de la Palabra. En su homilía, el Arzobispo O’Brien señaló que Catalina McAuley “demostró en su vida una gran confianza en la Providencia de Dios; exhibió una profunda confianza en Dios que sólo podía haber surgido de una relación extraordinaria que fue alimentada a lo largo de los años”. Tras la Santa Comunión, las hermanas dirigieron a la Asamblea en el canto del hermoso Suscipe de Catherine McAuley como reflexión. Tras la celebración de la Liturgia, todos fueron invitados a unirse a las hermanas en una recepción en el Colegio de San Buenaventura.

Tuvimos el placer de compartir nuestra historia fundacional y nuestra celebración con los demás de diversas maneras. Durante la semana del 12 de diciembre, la Congregación patrocinó un “Puertas Abiertas”, visitas a dos de sus lugares patrimoniales, la capilla del Convento de Nuestra Señora de la Misericordia, y el Centro Patrimonial del Edificio O’Connor. En una de las emisoras de radio locales se emitió la narración de una versión abreviada de la vida de Catherine McAuley, basada en la composición de Anne Reid, Daring to be Different. Antes, las Hermanas de la Misericordia de Terranova patrocinaron una misa televisada a nivel nacional desde la catedral de San Miguel de Toronto el 11 de noviembre, aniversario de la muerte de Catalina McAuley.

Las Hermanas de la Misericordia de Terranova consideran el aniversario como un momento de gracia, un tiempo para mirar atrás y reconocer y dar gracias por la fundación de las Hermanas de la Misericordia y una oportunidad para mirar hacia delante, hacia la celebración del 175 aniversario de la fundación de Terranova dentro de la próxima década.

Sister of Mercy of Newfoundland Honored

Sister Elizabeth Davis has recently been honored by the Trudeau Foundation and the Society of Graduates in Health Policy, Management and Evaluation of the University Toronto.

Trudeau Foundation
On November 30, 2006, Sister Elizabeth Davis was one of seven Canadians who were appointed as Trudeau Foundation mentors, individuals who work closely with outstanding doctoral candidates in the social sciences and humanities fields and who have been awarded Trudeau Scholarships. In announcing the appointments, the President of the Foundation noted that “these individuals have the ability to stand out as groundbreakers in their respective fields and transfer their remarkable experience, insight and enthusiasm to others.”

The Trudeau Foundation was established in 2002 with an endowment to honor the great humanitarian spirit of one of Canada’s former prime ministers, Pierre Elliot Trudeau. It provides fellowships to researchers, scholarships to gifted doctoral students and mentorships to outstanding professionals in the humanities and social sciences. The four key themes of the Foundation are human rights and social justice, responsible citizenship, Canada and the world, humans and their natural environment. The Foundation represents a neutral forum to address crucial societal issues and to foster a dialogue between scholars and policymakers in the arts community, business, government, the professions, and the voluntary sector.

Leadership Achievement Award
On October 18, 2006, the Society of Graduates in Health Policy, Management and Evaluation of the University Toronto presented Sister Elizabeth Davis with the Society’s 2006 Leadership Achievement Award in recognition of “significant contribution that she has made in the field of health policy, management and evaluation as demonstrated by her outstanding leadership and managerial skills”. Currently, Sister Elizabeth has several national positions, serving as President of the Medical Council of Canada; Chairperson of the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation; and Member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

La Hermana Elizabeth Davis ha sido recientemente galardonada por la Fundación Trudeau y la Sociedad de Licenciados en Política, Gestión y Evaluación Sanitarias de la Universidad de Toronto.

Fundación Trudeau
El 30 de noviembre de 2006, la Hermana Elizabeth Davis fue una de los siete canadienses nombrados mentores de la Fundación Trudeau, personas que colaboran estrechamente con doctorandos destacados en los campos de las ciencias sociales y las humanidades y que han recibido becas Trudeau. Al anunciar los nombramientos, el Presidente de la Fundación señaló que “estas personas tienen la capacidad de destacar como pioneros en sus respectivos campos y transferir a otros su notable experiencia, perspicacia y entusiasmo”.

La Fundación Trudeau se creó en 2002 con una dotación para honrar el gran espíritu humanitario de uno de los antiguos primeros ministros de Canadá, Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Concede becas a investigadores, becas a estudiantes de doctorado dotados y tutorías a profesionales destacados de las humanidades y las ciencias sociales. Los cuatro temas clave de la Fundación son los derechos humanos y la justicia social, la ciudadanía responsable, Canadá y el mundo, el ser humano y su entorno natural. La Fundación representa un foro neutral para abordar cuestiones sociales cruciales y fomentar el diálogo entre académicos y responsables políticos de la comunidad artística, las empresas, la administración, las profesiones liberales y el sector del voluntariado.

Premio al Liderazgo
El 18 de octubre de 2006, la Sociedad de Graduados en Política, Gestión y Evaluación Sanitarias de la Universidad de Toronto otorgó a la Hermana Elizabeth Davis el Premio al Liderazgo 2006 de la Sociedad en reconocimiento a “la importante contribución que ha realizado en el campo de la política, la gestión y la evaluación sanitarias, demostrada por sus destacadas dotes de liderazgo y gestión”. En la actualidad, la Hermana Elizabeth ocupa varios cargos nacionales, como Presidenta del Consejo Médico de Canadá; Presidenta de la Fundación Canadiense de Investigación de Servicios Sanitarios; y Miembro del Real Colegio de Médicos y Cirujanos de Canadá.

Sister of Mercy of Newfoundland Receives Order of Canada

On February 20, 2007 the Governor General of Canada announced the appointment of Sister Kathrine Bellamy, RSM, to the Order of Canada, the country’s highest honour.

The Order recognizes the outstanding achievement and service of individuals in various fields of human endeavour. Sister Kathrine is receiving the honour for her achievement in the field of music and for her outreach to the poor and needy.

In the field of music, Sister Kathrine’s contribution is noteworthy. In the schools of Newfoundland she served as director of choral music, taught instrumental and vocal music, theory and history of music. In 1965 Our Lady of Mercy Glee Club, under Sister Kathrine’s direction, won the award as the best junior choir (nineteen years and under) in Canada. In 1978 her choir took first place in an international choral competition in Toronto, Ontario, while she received the award for best director. Sister Kathrine co-founded and served as first vice-president of the Music Council of the Newfoundland Teachers’ Association. In acknowledgment of her contribution to the Kiwanis Music Festival Association, she was inducted into its Hall of Honour in 2002. Sister Kathrine had been central to the music ministry of the Basilica of St. John the Baptist in St. John’s, having served as music coordinator, choir director and organist for parish functions and parish liturgies for twenty-four years.

In 1980 Sister Kathrine became director of Outreach to the Poor of the Basilica Parish of which one division was the Family Care Centre. In 1994 she initiated an ecumenical endeavour whereby two Roman Catholic and three Anglican parishes united in their efforts to form Emmaus House, an interdenominational Centre serving the poor of the area. She co-founded Voices for Justice in Housing, and the Community Food Sharing Association, serving as its first vice-president on its Board of Directors. Recently, she authored the story of the Sisters of Mercy in Newfoundland, Weavers of the Tapestry.

In acknowledgment of her contributions, Sister Kathrine has received an honorary Doctor of Laws from Memorial University of Newfoundland, the Papal Honour of the Cross, Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, and the Order of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Sister Kathrine will receive the insignia of the Order of Canada at a ceremony at Rideau Hall in Ottawa later in the year.

El 20 de febrero de 2007, el Gobernador General de Canadá anunció el nombramiento de la Hermana Kathrine Bellamy, RSM, a la Orden de Canadá, el más alto honor del país.

La Orden reconoce los logros y servicios sobresalientes de personas en diversos campos del quehacer humano. La Hermana Kathrine recibe esta condecoración por sus logros en el campo de la música y por su ayuda a los pobres y necesitados.

En el campo de la música, la contribución de la Hermana Kathrine es digna de mención. En las escuelas de Terranova fue directora de música coral, enseñó música instrumental y vocal, teoría e historia de la música. En 1965, el coro Our Lady of Mercy, bajo la dirección de la Hermana Kathrine, ganó el premio al mejor coro juvenil (de diecinueve años o menos) de Canadá. En 1978 su coro obtuvo el primer puesto en un concurso coral internacional en Toronto, Ontario, mientras que ella recibía el premio a la mejor directora. La hermana Kathrine fue cofundadora y vicepresidenta primera del Consejo de Música de la Asociación de Profesores de Terranova. En reconocimiento a su contribución a la Asociación del Festival de Música Kiwanis, fue incluida en su Salón de Honor en 2002. La hermana Kathrine había sido fundamental en el ministerio de la música de la Basílica de San Juan Bautista en St. John’s, habiendo sido coordinadora de música, directora de coro y organista de las funciones parroquiales y liturgias parroquiales durante veinticuatro años.

En 1980, la Hermana Kathrine se convirtió en directora de Ayuda a los Pobres de la Parroquia de la Basílica, una de cuyas divisiones era el Centro de Atención Familiar. En 1994 inició un esfuerzo ecuménico por el que dos parroquias católicas romanas y tres anglicanas unieron sus esfuerzos para formar Emmaus House, un centro interconfesional al servicio de los pobres de la zona. Fue cofundadora de Voices for Justice in Housing (Voces por la Justicia en la Vivienda) y de la Community Food Sharing Association (Asociación Comunitaria para Compartir Alimentos), de cuyo Consejo de Administración fue su primera vicepresidenta. Recientemente ha escrito la historia de las Hermanas de la Misericordia de Terranova, Weavers of the Tapestry.

En reconocimiento a sus contribuciones, la Hermana Kathrine ha recibido un Doctorado Honoris Causa en Derecho de la Universidad Memorial de Terranova, la Distinción Papal de la Cruz, Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, y la Orden de Terranova y Labrador.

La Hermana Kathrine recibirá la insignia de la Orden de Canadá en una ceremonia que tendrá lugar en el Rideau Hall de Ottawa a finales de año.


Earth Day 2023 Theme: “Invest in Our Planet”

The theme for Earth Day 2023 (22 April) is “Invest in Our Planet.” The theme is focused on engaging governments, institutions, businesses, and the more than 1 billion citizens who participate annually in Earth Day to do their part – everyone accounted for, everyone accountable.

“In 2023 we must come together again in partnership for the planet. Businesses, governments, and civil society are equally responsible for taking action against the climate crisis and lighting the spark to accelerate change towards a green, prosperous, and equitable future. We must join together in our fight for the green revolution, and for the health of future generations. The time is now to Invest In Our Planet,” said Kathleen Rogers, President of

El lema del Día de la Tierra 2023 (22 de abril) es “Invertir en nuestro planeta”. El tema se centra en lograr que los gobiernos, las instituciones, las empresas y los más de mil millones de ciudadanos que participan anualmente en el Día de la Tierra pongan de su parte: todos rinden cuentas, todos son responsables.

“En 2023 debemos unirnos de nuevo en una alianza por el planeta. Las empresas, los gobiernos y la sociedad civil son igualmente responsables de tomar medidas contra la crisis climática y encender la chispa para acelerar el cambio hacia un futuro verde, próspero y equitativo. Debemos unirnos en nuestra lucha por la revolución verde y por la salud de las generaciones futuras. Ha llegado el momento de invertir en nuestro planeta”, ha declarado Kathleen Rogers, Presidenta de

Join Us in Prayer for the Sick. Unisciti a noi nella preghiera per i malati

World Health Day, 7 April is a reminder and an opportunity to pray for persons who are sick.

Join us in prayer today for all who are sick, especially our sisters, family members, friends and caregivers.

May God touch them with comfort, healing and strength.

Post your prayer in our sacred space

La Giornata mondiale della salute, il 7 aprile, è un promemoria e un’opportunità per pregare per le persone malate.

Unisciti a noi nella preghiera oggi per tutti i malati, in particolare per le nostre sorelle, i nostri familiari, i nostri amici e chi si prende cura di loro.

Che Dio li tocchi con conforto, guarigione e forza.

Pubblica la tua preghiera nel nostro spazio sacro

Documentary “In Viaggio”: The Travels of Pope Francis

This year marks 10 years since Pope Francis’ election.

In the first nine years of his pontificate, Pope Francis made trips to 53 countries, focusing on his most important issues: poverty, migration, environment, solidarity, and war.

Composed mostly of archival footage, In Viaggio (On Voyage) grants rare access to the public life of Pope Francis,”creating a dialogue between footage of Francis’ travels, images taken by the director, Gianfranco  Rosi , recent history, and the state of the world today”.

More information about the documentary and how to watch it online or at the cinema  can be found here

Watch the trailer

Quest’anno ricorrono i 10 anni dall’elezione di Papa Francesco.

Nei primi nove anni del suo pontificato, Papa Francesco ha compiuto viaggi in 53 Paesi, concentrandosi sui temi più importanti: povertà, migrazione, ambiente, solidarietà e guerra.

Composto per la maggior parte da filmati d’archivio, In Viaggio offre un raro accesso alla vita pubblica di Papa Francesco, “creando un dialogo tra i filmati dei viaggi di Francesco, le immagini scattate dal regista, Gianfranco Rosi, la storia recente e lo stato del mondo di oggi”.

Maggiori informazioni sul documentario e sulle modalità di visione online o al cinema sono disponibili qui

Guarda il trailer

World Health Day, 7 April

World Health Day is a global health awareness day, celebrated each year on April 7, sponsored mainly by The World Health Organization (WHO).

2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of WHO. World Health Day provides an opportunity to look back at public health successes that have improved the quality of life for people over the past seven decades. It also aims to motivate governments and institutions to take action regarding the many health challenges nations face todaand into the future.

The theme for this year’s World Health Day is Health For All.

In his message for World Day of the Sick, 11 February 2023, Pope Francis said:

“These past years of the pandemic have increased our sense of gratitude for those who work each day in the fields of healthcare and research. Yet it is not enough to emerge from such an immense collective tragedy simply by honouring heroes. Covid-19 has strained the great networks of expertise and solidarity, and has exposed the structural limits of existing public welfare systems.  Gratitude, then, needs to be matched by actively seeking, in every country, strategies and resources in order to guarantee each person’s fundamental right to basic and decent healthcare.”

May governments and health systems be motivated to guarantee the healthcare that all of us need.

La Giornata mondiale della salute è una giornata di sensibilizzazione sulla salute globale, celebrata ogni anno il 7 aprile e promossa principalmente dall’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS).

Nel 2023 ricorre il 75° anniversario della fondazione dell’OMS. La Giornata mondiale della salute offre l’opportunità di ripercorrere i successi della sanità pubblica che hanno migliorato la qualità della vita delle persone negli ultimi sette decenni. Inoltre, mira a motivare i governi e le istituzioni ad agire per affrontare le numerose sfide sanitarie che le nazioni si trovano ad affrontare per il futuro.

Il tema della Giornata mondiale della salute di quest’anno è Salute per tutti.

Nel suo messaggio per la Giornata mondiale del malato, l’11 febbraio 2023, Papa Francesco ha detto:

“Questi ultimi anni di pandemia hanno aumentato il nostro senso di gratitudine per coloro che lavorano ogni giorno nei campi della sanità e della ricerca. Tuttavia, non è sufficiente uscire da una così immensa tragedia collettiva semplicemente onorando gli eroi. Il virus Covid-19 ha messo a dura prova le grandi reti di competenza e solidarietà e ha messo a nudo i limiti strutturali dei sistemi di assistenza pubblica esistenti. La gratitudine, quindi, deve essere accompagnata dalla ricerca attiva, in ogni Paese, di strategie e risorse per garantire il diritto fondamentale di ogni persona a un’assistenza sanitaria di base e dignitosa”.

Che i governi e i sistemi sanitari siano motivati a garantire l’assistenza sanitaria di cui tutti abbiamo bisogno.