A Prayer for the days leading up to Paris Summit (COP21)

November 24, 2015

On November 29 we begin the season of Advent, that season of “waiting in joyful hope.”  On November 30, in another of these moments of wondrous connections, the Paris Conference on Climate Change (COP21) begins. We invite you to join with us.

Attached below is a reflection sheet (in English and in Spanish) which you are invited to download and use for the seven days.

*Vigil Prayer Sisters of Mercy (PDF) *Vigilia Hermanas de Misericordia (PDF)

The days echo the themes of the seven days of creation as imaged in Genesis 1.  Each day is framed in the same way — a colour of the rainbow, a text, a prayer, an image of the creation day, and a promise for specific action (personal and communal).  We are invited to find time during each day, possibly integrated into morning or evening prayer or a blessing before meals, to pray this reflection either in community or with friends or each one in her own heart. You may choose to cut the papers into individual strips for each day or keep them as they are.

We also have the privilege as a Congregation to join the other eleven Mercy congregations and institutes to pray Pope Francis’ “Prayer for Our Earth” each day during the Conference.  Our Congregation has been assigned December 9 as the day when we hold the prayer in our special embrace.  That prayer, taken from the end of Laudato Si’, is added to your reflection sheet. Once again, we invite you to join with us.

– Sisters of Mercy

The Pope’s Call to Mobilize: Petition & Global Climate March