Jamaican Women at McAuley Convent

November 13, 2013

Valrie Boswell Buchanan and Claudette Jenkins came to live at McAuley Convent in September, 2013. (McAuley Convent is residence of the Sisters of Mercy for members who need care or who convalesce from illness or injury.)

Valrie and Claudette are from Jamaica and have come to Canada as nursing students in the international program of the Centre for Nursing Studies in St. John’s. Both are graduates of the Licensed Practical Nursing program that was offered in Jamaica from September 2009 to 2011 at two publicly funded colleges, Brown’s Town and Knox. The governments of Newfoundland and Labrador as well as of Jamaica fund the programs. Both women have successfully completed the program of studies and are now enjoying a preceptorship and practical experience which is one of the final requirements for their licensure as practical nurse in Canada.

Valrie and Claudette are enjoying their educational experience at McAuley and their visits to various health care facilities in St. John’s. The sisters and staff are enjoying them and hope they are learning much. They will be in Newfoundland until early December.

We hope they will experience a little of Newfoundland’s winter!

We wish Valrie and Claudette a wonderful time of learning and memorable experiences in this province of Canada.