The Gathering Place -Can I Dream ?

In October 2024, on Signal Hill in St. John’s NL, a group of young people volunteered their time to sing this song specially written
for The Gathering Place, to remind us that it can still be a beautiful world, despite everything, when we help one another. Led by Kyle McDavid, of Best Kind Productions, these 18 kids represent hope for a kinder world.
#kindness #CanIDream #ChildrensChoir

Thousands of people come to The Gathering Place for help. For many Guests, The Gathering Place is their only safe place to go. Some come for a meal or a shower. Others come for medical or dental care or a place to sit and rest. Recently we opened O’Callaghan’s Haven, a 40-bed purpose-built overnight shelter for those who are homeless and have no place to go. We will soon be opening another 52 beds in Mercy House offering transitional and supportive housing.

At The Gathering Place, we believe everyone deserves compassion. But we operate largely on the kindness of others and we need your help to continue. Please give what you can, so we can keep helping the people who so many forget. They desperately need us.

Donate at

November 11 – Two Anniversaries

Monday November 11 is the 183rd anniversary of the death of Catherine McAuley. Since 1841 thousands of women have followed in her footsteps and her charism of Mercy lives on in the many women and men who continue the works of Mercy in over thirty countries. We thank God for the life and ministry of this great woman.

November 11 is also known as Remembrance Day, marking the anniversary of the official end of World War 1 on November 11, 1918. The chief symbol of Remembrance Day is the poppy, made famous by John McCrae in his poem In Flanders Fields.

This year November 11 is particularly significant in our province as it is the centennial year of the Newfoundland War Memorial in
St. John’s, erected in 1924. On July 1, 2024 the remains of an unknown Newfoundland soldier were reinterred in a custom-designed tomb at the War Memorial in a special ceremony attended by thousands of citizens.

As we celebrate this day of remembrance we pay tribute to all those who have died in wars and all who are struggling to keep peace in our world.

Post your prayer in our sacred space here

El lunes 11 de noviembre se cumple el 183 aniversario de la muerte de Catalina McAuley. Desde 1841, miles de mujeres han seguido sus pasos y su carisma de Misericordia sigue vivo en las muchas mujeres y hombres que continúan las obras de Misericordia en más de treinta países. Damos gracias a Dios por la vida y el ministerio de esta gran mujer.

El 11 de noviembre es también conocido como el Día del Recuerdo, que marca el aniversario del final oficial de la Primera Guerra Mundial, el 11 de noviembre de 1918. El símbolo principal del Día del Recuerdo es la amapola, que John McCrae hizo famosa en su poema In Flanders Fields.

Este año, el 11 de noviembre es especialmente significativo en nuestra provincia, ya que se celebra el centenario del Monumento a los Caídos en la Guerra de Terranova, erigido en 1924 en St.

John’s, erigido en 1924. El 1 de julio de 2024, los restos de un soldado desconocido de Terranova fueron reinterrados en una tumba diseñada a medida en el Monumento a los Caídos en una ceremonia especial a la que asistieron miles de ciudadanos.

Al celebrar este día de conmemoración rendimos homenaje a todos los que han muerto en las guerras y a todos los que luchan por mantener la paz en nuestro mundo.

Publique aquí su oración en nuestro espacio sagrado


Pope Francis’ November Prayer Intention “For those who have lost a child”. Intención de oración Papa Francesco “Por los que han perdido un hij”

The loss of a child may be the worst pain a father and mother can experience. There’s no word that could possibly describe such profound grief. Pope Francis asks us to join him in prayer this month precisely for those parents who have lost a child.

“Let us pray that all parents who mourn the loss of a son or daughter find support in their community, and may receive peace of heart from the Spirit of Consolation.”

Post your prayer in our sacred space here

La pérdida de un hijo puede ser el dolor más fuerte que un padre y una madre pueden sentir. No existe una palabra que logre describir un dolor tan profundo. Y es precisamente por los padres que han perdido un hijo que el Papa Francisco nos pide que, este mes, recemos junto a él.

“Oremos para que todos los padres que lloran la muerte de un hijo o de una hija encuentren apoyo en la comunidad y obtengan del Espíritu consolador la paz del corazón”

Publique aquí su oración en nuestro espacio sagrado

November Associates Newsletter now online

Kitty’s Chronicle” is a monthly newsletter distributed to all Mercy Associates. Each month the latest  issue is posted online in the Associates section of our website. The newsletter contains news and views, requests for prayers and material for reflection.

Prayers for the Sick, Resources from the Wisdom Circles, Items of Interest, Important Dates,  Women in Canadian History and a delicious Creamy Mushroom Stroganoff recipe are among the many topics covered in our latest issue.

A feature of this month’s issue is the November 11 Tribute.

Visit the Associates section of our website to find out about Becoming an Associate and the Associate Program.