Let us pray that Catholics place at the centre of their lives the Eucharistic Celebration, which transforms human relationships profoundly and opens up an encounter with God and their brothers and sisters.
Pope Francis is dedicating his July prayer intention “for a Eucharistic life”.
Post your prayer for peace in our sacred space here
Recemos para que los católicos pongan en el centro de su vida la Celebración Eucarística, que transforma profundamente las relaciones humanas y abre el encuentro con Dios y con los hermanos.
El Papa Francisco dedica su intención de oración de julio “por una vida eucarística”.
Publica aquí tu oración por la paz en nuestro espacio aquí
The Season of Creation commences in two month’s time on 1 September. “Let Justice and Peace Flow” is the theme chosen for Season of Creation 2023.
La Temporada de la Creación comienza dentro de un mes, el 1 de septiembre. “Que fluyan la justicia y la paz” es el tema elegido para la Temporada de la Creación 2023.
July 1 is a national holiday celebrating the beginnings of Canada on July 1, 1867.
On that day three separate colonies – the united Canadas (Upper and Lower),Nova Scotia and New Brunswick – became a single dominion, the Dominion of Canada.
In Newfoundland and Labrador this day is known as Memorial Day, a day to remember the staggering losses of the Newfoundland Regiment at Beaumont-Hamel, France on July 1, 1916. Over 800 Newfoundlanders and Labradorians went into battle that morning, a deadly battle which left more than 700 men killed, wounded or missing. Each year our province commemorates the heroism of our young men who died on this day.
El 1 de julio es una fiesta nacional que celebra los inicios de Canadá el 1 de julio de 1867.
Ese día, tres colonias separadas -el Alto y el Bajo Canadá unidos, Nueva Escocia y Nuevo Brunswick- se convirtieron en un único dominio, el Dominio de Canadá.
En Terranova y Labrador este día se conoce como el Día de los Caídos, un día para recordar las asombrosas pérdidas del Regimiento de Terranova en Beaumont-Hamel, Francia, el 1 de julio de 1916. Más de 800 terranoveses y labradores entraron en combate aquella mañana, una batalla mortal que dejó más de 700 hombres muertos, heridos o desaparecidos. Cada año nuestra provincia conmemora el heroísmo de nuestros jóvenes que murieron ese día.
Publica tu oración en nuestro espacio sagrado aquí
Plastic free July is a global movement inviting people around the world to be part of the solution to the critical problem of plastic pollution.
In March 2022 the UN Environment Assembly agreed to establish a global treaty to end plastic pollution and to insure a cleaner and more sustainable future for Earth and all Earth’s inhabitants.
It is hard to avoid knowledge of the impact of plastic waste and its adverse effects on the health of land, oceans, wildlife and ourselves. All of us are being encouraged this month —and hopefully for good — to become part of the solution to beating plastic pollution, rather than a contributor to the problem.
Last month, on World Environment Day, the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres released a video to encourage action to beat plastic polltion.
For further information about how we can contribute to this global endeavour, visit the Plastic free July website.
Julio sin plástico es un movimiento mundial que invita a personas de todo el mundo a formar parte de la solución al grave problema de la contaminación por plásticos.
Plastic Free July texto verde bajo las hojas.
En marzo de 2022, la Asamblea de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente acordó establecer un tratado mundial para acabar con la contaminación por plásticos y asegurar un futuro más limpio y sostenible para la Tierra y todos sus habitantes.
Es difícil no conocer el impacto de los residuos plásticos y sus efectos adversos en la salud de la tierra, los océanos, la fauna y nosotros mismos. Este mes se nos anima a todos -y esperemos que para siempre- a formar parte de la solución para vencer la contaminación por plásticos, en lugar de contribuir al problema.
Para más información sobre cómo podemos contribuir a este esfuerzo mundial, visite la web
julio sin plástico.
The Kiwanis Music Festival is an annual event that began with a two-day event in 1952 with 193 entries and two adjudicators; in 2010 it spans 12 days, with well over 6,000 participants and nine adjudicators. It is the largest festival in eastern Canada.
Musical rehearsals before the concert during the Christmas period. Life of musicians and classic holy music.
Musicians young and old have come to appreciate the “Festival” and enjoy this competitive opportunity to showcase their musical talent and their love and commitment to voice, instrumental and choral music. Every performer or group has the opportunity hear and learn from the instant evaluation of their performance by the expert and professional adjudicators. The adjudicators speak to them in order to teach and encourage. Marks are given, even though sometimes an adjudicator admits difficulty in giving marks to one group over the other.
Sisters of Mercy and their students in St. John’s and area schools have been part of the Kiwanis Music Festival since its foundation. Thousands of the sisters’ students – solists, duos and trios and combinations of the same, choirs, choral speech groups, instrumentalists, orchestras and bands from St. John’s, Bell Island, Goulds, Bay Bulls, Brigus, Conception Harbour and from as far as Marystown have entered the festival and have excelled.
Much is owed to the music teachers of our Congregation and of the Presentation Congregation for their commitment to music and culture and for nurturing the innate talent of the youth of our province. They are the true and consistent pioneers of our musical heritage. Some of them have rightly been inducted as members of the Hall of Fame of the Music Festival Association. There are no sisters taking groups to the Festival these days but their many students are doing that now. The baton has been passed and is calling forth the best of music in the next generations!