Join Us Today in Prayer for Peace. Únase hoy a nosotros en la oración por la paz

Pope St John XXIII’s encyclical Pacem in Terris (Peace on Earth) was first published sixty years ago today (11 April 1963), in the midst of the Cold War and with the Vietnam war ongoing. It was two years after the erection of the Berlin Wall and just months after the Cuban Missile Crisis brought the world to the brink of a nuclear third world war.

Written during the first year of Vatican II, it was the first time a major Catholic Social Teaching document was addressed not just to Catholics but to “all people of good will”.

“Peace is but an empty word, if it does not rest upon… an order that is founded on truth, built up on justice, nurtured and animated by charity, and brought into effect under the auspices of freedom.” (#167)

Sixty years after John XXIII published the encyclical Pacem in Terris, Pope Francis renews his message that “war is madness, it is beyond reason.”

In this year’s Easter message Pope Francis prayed “Help the beloved Ukrainian people on their journey towards peace, and shed the light of Easter upon the people of Russia. Comfort the wounded and all those who have lost loved ones because of the war, and grant that prisoners may return safe and sound to their families. Open the hearts of the entire international community to strive to end this war and all conflict and bloodshed in our world, beginning with Syria, which still awaits peace…”

Post your prayer in our sacred space

L’enciclica Pacem in Terris (Pace in Terra) di Papa Giovanni XXIII è stata pubblicata per la prima volta sessant’anni fa (11 aprile 1963), in piena guerra fredda e con la guerra del Vietnam in corso. Due anni dopo l’erezione del Muro di Berlino e pochi mesi dopo che la crisi dei missili di Cuba aveva portato il mondo sull’orlo di una terza guerra mondiale nucleare.

Scritta durante il primo anno del Concilio Vaticano II, fu la prima volta che un importante documento di dottrina sociale cattolica si rivolgeva non solo ai cattolici ma a “tutti gli uomini di buona volontà”.

“La pace non è che una parola vuota, se non poggia su… un ordine fondato sulla verità, costruito sulla giustizia, nutrito e animato dalla carità e attuato sotto gli auspici della libertà.” (#167)

Sessant’anni dopo che Giovanni XXIII pubblicò l’enciclica Pacem in terris, Papa Francesco rinnova il suo messaggio che “la guerra è una follia, è al di là della ragione”.

Nel suo messaggio pasquale Papa Francesco ha pregato “Aiuta l’amato popolo ucraino nel suo cammino verso la pace, e diffondi la luce della Pasqua sul popolo russo. Conforta i feriti e tutti coloro che hanno perso i loro cari a causa della guerra, e concedi che i prigionieri possano tornare sani e salvi alle loro famiglie. Apri i cuori di tutta la comunità internazionale affinché si impegnino a porre fine a questa guerra e a tutti i conflitti e gli spargimenti di sangue nel nostro mondo, a cominciare dalla Siria, che ancora attende la pace…”.

Pubblica la tua preghiera nel nostro spazio sacro

Explore the Readings of the Easter Season

Each week on our website Elizabeth Davis rsm provides a written reflection on the Sunday readings. These reflections contain insights and images, poetry and prose, wisdom and scholarship.

Sister Elizabeth’s reflections are published online in the Spirituality section under the appropriate liturgical season. They can be read online or downloaded.

As we journey through the Easter Season, Sr Elizabeth will open up for us these scripture readings in a fresh way using modern biblical scholarship.

We invite you to join us in this exploration here

Cada semana, Elizabeth Davis rsm ofrece en nuestro sitio web una reflexión escrita sobre las lecturas del domingo. Estas reflexiones contienen ideas e imágenes, poesía y prosa, sabiduría y erudición.

Las reflexiones de la Hermana Elizabeth se publican en línea en la sección Espiritualidad bajo el tiempo litúrgico correspondiente. Pueden leerse en línea o descargarse.

A medida que avanzamos en el tiempo de Pascua, la Hermana Elizabeth nos abrirá estas lecturas de las Escrituras de una manera fresca, utilizando la erudición bíblica moderna.

Les invitamos a unirse a nosotros en esta exploración aquí


Conference with Diarmid O’Murchu in St John’s Newfoundland

“Spirituality for the Millennium: A Christian Perspective” was the theme taken by Fr. Diarmid O’Murchu in a conference held in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Feb. 1-3, 2002. The conference, sponsored jointly by the Mercy and Presentation Congregations, was attended by over three hundred men and women as we explored the emerging spiritual questions of today.

O’Murchu set the context of our reflection and discussion by outlining the throes of change that mark our time, noting that there is a paradigm shift of global impact. In searching for a faith to sustain us today, home-coming is the key – coming home to our cosmic and planetary identity, to our spiritual story, to our people of soul, to our relational individuation, to our need for ritual, to the wisdom of the feminine ( the feminine is not exclusive to women). Most importantly, he says, it is necessary to reclaim a sense of the cosmic Christ as well as the historical Jesus, the central role of the Kingdom of God, the radical inclusiveness of Jesus, the concept of Jesus as suffering servant, the relational understanding of personhood.

Throughout the weekend, O’Murchu challenged us to be alert and stay awake to the big picture, stretching us beyond all restricted boundaries, to the whole which is greater than the sum of its parts, to the creation which is the fulness of revelation, for life rather than for death and judgement, to the metanoia that outgrows every paranoia, to the unpredictable God of surprises.

MIJN—Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland

We, the Sisters of Mercy, Newfoundland and Labrador, are pleased to have the opportunity to describe our reality… and to reintroduce ourselves to the global Mercy community.

With close to 150 members, and over 70 Associates, we minister not only in urban areas of the province but in many coastal communities that encircle the island and Labrador, and in Peru. With our people, we are very aware of the unique culture of our province, one that has been defined over the centuries by geography, a very challenging environment as well as a very interesting development of a ‘way of life’.

We have made a commitment to alleviate injustice and to continue to reach out in compassion and service to the poor and oppressed, especially women. We attempt to do this through our continued presence to youth, the sick, elderly, poor, prisoners, people with HIV/AIDS, the marginalized and through our sponsorship and contributions to numerous programs/ projects not only here in our island province but in the wider global community.

Today, we are one with our people, as we experience with them a great sense of loss in the collapse of one of the great natural resources of our province – the ground cod fishery and its apparent lack of recovery. This collapse brings with it many other losses including the loss of opportunities for employment; the decline of our population through out-migration, the loss of our youth, resulting in a low birth rate, now the lowest in North America; and the far-reaching impact of all of these factors on our rural communities and the local economy. A second reality of our province relates to our aboriginal peoples and the need to understand, protect, value and respect their connections to the land, their traditions, their culture and their values.

Seven of our sisters, two of them native Peruvians, minister in the coastal and mountain areas of Peru participating in the education of lay leaders in the faith and works of human promotion, and always seeking to promote solidarity and justice. We are fortunate to be part of the Mercy Collaborative Novitiate Program, walking with young women interested in our Mercy way of life.

Having participated in the Second International Conference of Mercy Archivists, with its theme of ‘founding stories’, we are very much aware of, inspired and encouraged by our three founding sisters, Sisters Francis Creedon, Ursula Frayne, and Rose Lynch, who, merely six months following the death of our Foundress, Catherine McAuley, traveled across the Atlantic Ocean to St. John’s, Newfoundland to found the first Mercy foundation in the New World, and the first outside the British Isles.

Prepared by Srs. Mary Tee, Madonna Gatherall, Marcella Grant Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland

Nosotras, las Hermanas de la Misericordia de Terranova y Labrador, nos complace tener la oportunidad de describir nuestra realidad… y de reintroducirnos a la comunidad global de la Misericordia.

Con cerca de 150 miembros, y más de 70 Asociadas, ejercemos nuestro ministerio no sólo en las zonas urbanas de la provincia sino en muchas comunidades costeras que rodean la isla y Labrador, y en Perú. Con nuestra gente, somos muy conscientes de la cultura única de nuestra provincia, una que ha sido definida a lo largo de los siglos por la geografía, un entorno muy desafiante, así como un desarrollo muy interesante de una “forma de vida”.

Nos hemos comprometido a aliviar la injusticia y a seguir tendiendo la mano con compasión y servicio a los pobres y oprimidos, especialmente a las mujeres. Intentamos hacerlo a través de nuestra presencia continua con los jóvenes, los enfermos, los ancianos, los pobres, los presos, las personas con VIH/SIDA, los marginados y a través de nuestro patrocinio y nuestras contribuciones a numerosos programas y proyectos, no sólo aquí, en nuestra provincia insular, sino en la comunidad mundial en general.

Hoy, somos uno con nuestra gente, ya que experimentamos con ellos un gran sentimiento de pérdida en el colapso de uno de los grandes recursos naturales de nuestra provincia – la pesca del bacalao de fondo y su aparente falta de recuperación. Este colapso trae consigo muchas otras pérdidas, como la pérdida de oportunidades de empleo, el declive de nuestra población debido a la emigración, la pérdida de nuestra juventud, que se traduce en una baja tasa de natalidad, actualmente la más baja de Norteamérica, y el impacto de largo alcance de todos estos factores en nuestras comunidades rurales y en la economía local. Una segunda realidad de nuestra provincia se refiere a nuestros pueblos aborígenes y a la necesidad de comprender, proteger, valorar y respetar sus conexiones con la tierra, sus tradiciones, su cultura y sus valores.

Siete de nuestras hermanas, dos de ellas nativas peruanas, ejercen su ministerio en las zonas de la costa y la sierra de Perú participando en la educación de líderes laicos en la fe y en las obras de promoción humana, y buscando siempre promover la solidaridad y la justicia. Tenemos la suerte de ser parte del Programa de Noviciado de la Colaboración de la Misericordia, caminando con mujeres jóvenes interesadas en nuestro estilo de vida de la Misericordia.

Habiendo participado en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Archivistas de la Misericordia, con su tema de ‘historias fundadoras’, estamos muy conscientes, inspiradas y animadas por nuestras tres hermanas fundadoras, las Hermanas Francis Creedon, Ursula Frayne y Rose Lynch, quienes, apenas seis meses después de la muerte de nuestra Fundadora, Catherine McAuley, viajaron a través del Océano Atlántico a St. John’s, Terranova, para fundar la primera fundación de la Misericordia en el Nuevo Mundo, y la primera fuera de las Islas Británicas.

Preparado por las Hnas. Mary Tee, Madonna Gatherall, Marcella Grant Hermanas de la Misericordia de Terranova

Newfoundland Sisters of Mercy and Presentation Honored at Choral Concert

It was an evening of choral excellence. On the occasion of its tenth anniversary, The Newfoundland Symphony Youth Choir, under the direction of Susan Dyer Knight, paid special tribute to the Sisters of Mercy and the Presentation Sisters at the Arts and Culture Centre, in St. John’s through a choral concert “Let Voices Ring.” It was a tribute to the sisters, and their contribution to arts education in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador over the years was named a cultural legacy.

During the evening, four young choristers were awarded apprenticeships, named in honor of four Mercy and Presentation Sisters. Tribute was paid to Sister Kathrine Bellamy, rsm, for her outstanding work in music and she was given the honour of presenting a member of the choir with an apprenticeship; a second one was presented in honor of Sister Mary Baptist McDermott, rsm, who was one of the first Newfoundlanders to be awarded an Associate Diploma from Trinity College of Music. Ms. Knight sees the apprenticeships as being a way of carrying on a chain of mentoring that began with the Mercy and Presentation Sisters.

The sisters were presented with floral arrangements and the gift of a compact disc of “A Breath of Beauty”, a recording of Our Lady of Mercy Glee Club of 1966, directed by Sister Kathrine Bellamy and accompanied by Sister Mary Celine Veitch.

Susan Knight noted that both the Presentation and Mercy Congregations have made “an incalculable contribution to the cultural development of this province for almost seventeen decades through continuous service to the youth of Newfoundland and Labrador.”

Fue una velada de excelencia coral. Con motivo de su décimo aniversario, el Coro Juvenil de la Sinfónica de Terranova, bajo la dirección de Susan Dyer Knight, rindió un homenaje especial a las Hermanas de la Misericordia y a las Hermanas de la Presentación en el Centro de Arte y Cultura de St. John’s a través del concierto coral “Let Voices Ring”. Fue un homenaje a las hermanas, y su contribución a la educación artística en la provincia de Terranova y Labrador a lo largo de los años fue nombrada legado cultural.

Durante la velada, cuatro jóvenes coristas recibieron el título de aprendices, nombrado en honor de cuatro Hermanas de la Misericordia y de la Presentación. Se rindió homenaje a la Hermana Kathrine Bellamy, rsm, por su destacada labor en la música y se le concedió el honor de entregar un aprendizaje a un miembro del coro; un segundo se entregó en honor de la Hermana Mary Baptist McDermott, rsm, que fue una de las primeras terranovas en obtener un Diploma Asociado del Trinity College of Music. La Sra. Knight considera que los aprendizajes son una forma de continuar una cadena de tutoría que comenzó con las Hermanas de la Misericordia y de la Presentación.

Las hermanas fueron obsequiadas con arreglos florales y un disco compacto de “A Breath of Beauty”, una grabación del coro Our Lady of Mercy Glee Club de 1966, dirigido por la hermana Kathrine Bellamy y acompañado por la hermana Mary Celine Veitch.

Susan Knight señaló que tanto la Congregación de la Presentación como la de la Misericordia han hecho “una contribución incalculable al desarrollo cultural de esta provincia durante casi diecisiete décadas a través de un servicio continuo a la juventud de Terranova y Labrador.”


75th Anniversary of Foundation in Marystown (Newfoundland)

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of Holy Name of Mary Convent in Marystown, Newfoundland.

On September 29, 2002, the Sacred Heart Parish, Marystown held a celebration to mark the anniversary. The event began with a celebration of the Eucharistic Liturgy during which Father Ray Earle, pastor, paid tribute to the Sisters of Mercy for seventy-five years of ministry in the parish and community. He, and the president of the Parish Council, acknowledged, in particular, their contribution to youth through their service in the schools and their presence in the wider community as well. The mayor of the town, Mr. Samuel Synard presented the sisters with a plaque on which was the image of Catherine McAuley and an expression of appreciation.

Afterwards, a reception was held in the parish room during which the parishioners had the opportunity to come and express their personal congratulations and best wishes. It gave the sisters the chance to meet so many of their former students, many of whom are now leaders in both church and community. Later in the evening the sisters were invited to the parish hall for a dinner during which more words of appreciation were expressed.

Este año se celebra el 75 aniversario de la fundación del Convento del Santo Nombre de María en Marystown, Terranova.

El 29 de septiembre de 2002, la parroquia del Sagrado Corazón de Marystown organizó una celebración para conmemorar el aniversario. El acto comenzó con una celebración de la Liturgia Eucarística durante la cual el Padre Ray Earle, párroco, rindió homenaje a las Hermanas de la Misericordia por sus setenta y cinco años de ministerio en la parroquia y en la comunidad. Tanto él como el presidente del Consejo Parroquial reconocieron, en particular, su contribución a la juventud a través de su servicio en las escuelas y su presencia también en la comunidad en general. El alcalde de la ciudad, Samuel Synard, entregó a las hermanas una placa con la imagen de Catherine McAuley y una expresión de agradecimiento.

Posteriormente, se celebró una recepción en la sala parroquial durante la cual los feligreses tuvieron la oportunidad de acudir y expresar sus felicitaciones personales y sus mejores deseos. Las hermanas tuvieron la oportunidad de conocer a muchas de sus antiguas alumnas, muchas de las cuales son ahora líderes tanto en la iglesia como en la comunidad. Más tarde, por la noche, las hermanas fueron invitadas a una cena en el salón parroquial, durante la cual se expresaron más palabras de agradecimiento.

Elections in Newfoundland

The results of elections in Newfoundland are as follows:
Helen Harding (Congregational Leader)

Madonna Gatherall
Marcella Grant
Brenda Phelan,
Diane Smyth

Los resultados de las elecciones en Terranova son los siguientes:

Helen Harding (Líder Congregacional)

Madonna Gatherall,
Marcella Grant,
Brenda Phelan,
Diane Smyth

Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland and Labrador Celebrate the Tenth Anniversary of the Opening of Mercy International…

With many of our Mercy Associates, we came together on Sunday, August 29, 2006 to celebrate in our own way the tenth anniversary of the opening of Mercy International Centre.

With a renewed sense of gratitude we gathered in prayer , song, story-telling and remembering to look at the many ways we, as individuals, communities and as Congregation, have been enriched and nourished through our associations and experiences at the Centre and Association.

The celebration began with a musical selection by harpist, Deborah Clarke, and continued with a welcome by Sister Helen Harding. The reading of the poem, The Long Line, by Sisters Loretta Dower, provided us with a fitting way to begin a power point presentation where we saw the beginnings of Mercy International, starting with the conversation between Sisters Sebastian Cashen and Mary Trainer in 1987.

We then saw how we, ourselves, have been “drinking deeply from the well” of Mercy for the past ten years through retreat experiences (Walking with Catherine4, Multicultural, or Centered in Mercy), conferences (Formation, Leadership, Social Justice, Archivists), seniors’ visits, annual visits through a December 12 draw within our Congregation. As well, many of us have had the opportunity to work at the Centre either through short term volunteer or as a team member or to serve on either the Board of Directors of the Association or the Centre. We concluded our presentation with the singing of ‘Circle of Mercy’.

The celebration continued with a ‘comfortable cup of tea’ as we shared memories, enjoyed one another’s company and again expressed thanks for the wonderful blessing and gift of Mercy International. We were so pleased to have availed of the anniversary year to acknowledge our connections and associations with the Centre and to remember those who pursued the dream with such commitment and dedication.

Con muchos de nuestros Asociados de la Misericordia, nos reunimos el domingo 29 de agosto de 2006 para celebrar a nuestra manera el décimo aniversario de la apertura del Centro Internacional de la Misericordia.

Con un renovado sentido de gratitud nos reunimos en oración, cantando, contando historias y recordando las muchas maneras en que, como individuos, comunidades y Congregación, nos hemos enriquecido y nutrido a través de nuestras asociaciones y experiencias en el Centro y la Asociación.

La celebración comenzó con una selección musical de la arpista Deborah Clarke y continuó con la bienvenida de la Hermana Helen Harding. La lectura del poema, La Larga Línea, de las Hermanas Loretta Dower, nos proporcionó una manera apropiada de comenzar una presentación en power point donde vimos los comienzos de la Misericordia Internacional, comenzando con la conversación entre las Hermanas Sebastian Cashen y Mary Trainer en 1987.

Luego vimos cómo nosotras mismas hemos estado “bebiendo profundamente del pozo” de la Misericordia durante los últimos diez años a través de experiencias de retiro (Caminando con Catalina4, Multicultural, o Centradas en la Misericordia), conferencias (Formación, Liderazgo, Justicia Social, Archivistas), visitas de ancianas, visitas anuales a través de un sorteo el 12 de diciembre dentro de nuestra Congregación. Además, muchos de nosotros hemos tenido la oportunidad de trabajar en el Centro, ya sea como voluntarios a corto plazo o como miembros de un equipo, o de formar parte de la Junta Directiva de la Asociación o del Centro. Concluimos nuestra presentación con el canto del ‘Círculo de la Misericordia’.

La celebración continuó con una “cómoda taza de té” mientras compartíamos recuerdos, disfrutábamos de la compañía de los demás y volvíamos a dar las gracias por la maravillosa bendición y el regalo de Mercy International. Nos complace haber aprovechado el año del aniversario para reconocer nuestras conexiones y asociaciones con el Centro y recordar a quienes persiguieron el sueño con tanto compromiso y dedicación.


Newfoundland Sister of Mercy Honored

Recently Sister Kathrine Bellamy was honored for her dedicated and outstanding service to the Basilica-Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.

Sister Kathrine was one of two recipients of the Papal Honour of the Cross, Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, during the parish celebration of the Liturgy of the Eucharist on Sunday, September 10, 2006.

Before the presentation of the medal and the certificate by Archbishop O’Brien, it was noted that Sister Kathrine had been central to the music ministry of the Basilica-Cathedral, having served as music coordinator, choir director and organist for parish functions and parish liturgies for twenty-four years. Presently she continues to be organist for one of the weekend liturgies in the parish and uses her gifts and talents in the service of the Archdiocese and the parish by composing sacred music for liturgies. One of her recent compositions was that of music for the Proclamation of the 150th anniversary of the Cathedral celebrated in 2005.

Of particular mention, was her concern, care and ministry to the poor. In 1980 Sister Kathrine became director of Outreach to the Poor of the Basilica Parish, of which one division was the Family Care Centre. In 1994 she initiated an ecumenical endeavour, whereby two Roman Catholic and three Anglican parishes united in their efforts to form Emmaus House, an interdenominational Centre serving the poor of the area.

Following the Liturgy, a Reception was held in the Episcopal Library where the Hospitality Committee of the Basilica Parish served refreshments and many parishioners and Sisters of Mercy came to express gratitude and congratulations.

Recientemente, la Hermana Kathrine Bellamy fue honrada por su dedicado y destacado servicio a la Basílica-Catedral de San Juan Bautista, St. John’s, Terranova y Labrador.

Sister Kathrine fue una de las dos galardonadas con la condecoración papal de la Cruz, Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, durante la celebración parroquial de la Liturgia de la Eucaristía el domingo 10 de septiembre de 2006.

Antes de la entrega de la medalla y del certificado por parte del Arzobispo O’Brien, se señaló que la Hermana Kathrine había sido fundamental en el ministerio musical de la Basílica-Catedral, habiendo ejercido como coordinadora musical, directora del coro y organista de las funciones parroquiales y de las liturgias parroquiales durante veinticuatro años. Actualmente sigue siendo organista de una de las liturgias de fin de semana de la parroquia y utiliza sus dones y talentos al servicio de la Archidiócesis y de la parroquia componiendo música sacra para las liturgias. Una de sus composiciones más recientes fue la música para el Pregón del 150 aniversario de la Catedral, celebrado en 2005.

Mención especial merece su preocupación, cuidado y ministerio con los pobres. En 1980, la Hermana Kathrine se convirtió en directora de la Ayuda a los Pobres de la Parroquia de la Basílica, una de cuyas divisiones era el Centro de Atención Familiar. En 1994 inició un esfuerzo ecuménico, por el que dos parroquias católicas romanas y tres anglicanas unieron sus esfuerzos para formar Emmaus House, un centro interconfesional al servicio de los pobres de la zona.

Tras la Liturgia, se celebró una Recepción en la Biblioteca Episcopal donde el Comité de Hospitalidad de la Parroquia Basílica sirvió refrescos y muchos feligreses y Hermanas de la Misericordia acudieron a expresar su gratitud y felicitaciones.

2-day Seminar Millennium Development Goals in Newfoundland

The Sisters of Mercy Newfoundland held a 2-day seminar on October 27 and 28, 2006.

The focus of the event was the presentation of Millennium Development Goals, which were central to the 2-day event.

The presenter was Deirdre Mullan, Director of Mercy Global Concern at the UN

Reflecting on the Sisters of Mercy founded by Francis Creedon, Deirdre asked, what vision of Mercy did Francis carry here and what might she and the early women of Mercy want to say to us today?

Las Hermanas de la Misericordia de Terranova celebraron un seminario de 2 días los días 27 y 28 de octubre de 2006.

El tema central del evento fue la presentación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio.

La presentadora fue Deirdre Mullan, Directora de Mercy Global Concern en la ONU.

Reflexionando sobre las Hermanas de la Misericordia fundadas por Francisco Creedon, Deirdre preguntó: ¿qué visión de la Misericordia llevó Francisco hasta aquí y qué querrían decirnos hoy ella y las primeras mujeres de la Misericordia?